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The guards decided that the stain of their kind is to go first. Pushing him forward towards the guillotine set out in front of the stage.  As the man kneeled, he looked out to the people, almost pleading for some kind of compassion when his eyes met Eris's.  It's almost like she could feel his rage, pouring into her from just a gaze alone. Disappointment in her own kind, not the traitor on the stage , but the guards and the society around her. How could they do this to one of their own. The guy from before came up, presenting this as tonight's entertainment. He bent down and plucked the drum off the drows side, examining it.

"How about a give away!" he waved the drum around in his hands, scanning the crowd for a lucky person to hand the drum too. 

And because of Eris's family status people were always looking for more ways to suck up to anyone to get a good word in for them, so eventually the drum landed in her arms. Now being able to get a closer look at the instrument you could see the black and gold painted patterns on the sides, and worn skin from all the music played, and the joyous memories hidden inside.

As Eris looks back up, The man holding the chain dropped the blade on the man's neck, head dropping into the basket, blood splattering everywhere as the body fell with a thump.
The hoard began to cheer, excited with the violence, everything started to blur, the sounds drowned out and the sight of the lifeless body made Eris sick. A ball of ice sat in the pit of her stomach.

5 years later, Eris is sitting alone in her room, the corners illuminating a muted purple. Wall to wall covered with drawings of the topside. Or attempted versions. Ever since the execution, Eris had been obsessed with seeing the world above.  The drum that had been given to her contained some letters in a pocket hidden within the strings, they had been letters to and from the bards family and loved ones.  One letter in particular was different compared to all the other ' love you to the moons and back' or 'come back safely and have fun on your travels' , this one was a promise that never got sent.

The half drows name was Agustus, he had a wife that was sick and had to stay home, they had a kid, and another one on the way. He had promised that he would find some people to help him find a cure. He loved them, cared for them. Eris envies the way of life above, the chance to find people that would enjoy her presence other than being an ego booster. As the years had gone by Eris had begun to see the wrong of the faith the people have in Lolth, she wanted nothing more than to leave, everyone here were vermin stuck under the society's boot, cast away into hiding.  Rhys had started working for Eris's family, becoming the errand boy.  He worked hard and eventually warmed up to the family. Still being allowed to have time to hangout with Eris, they trusted each other with their entire lives. Both wanting to see the land above and to leave the dark and gloomy streets of Menzoberranzan. They had started to work on plans on leaving. Once they were old enough and Eris was finally allowed out of the house without 24/7 surveillance, they would be able to make a run for it. Rhys would join the patrol groups and figure out a way out, and Eris would start learning another language so they could navigate easier on top. 

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