One shots

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Here's a bunch of one shots about a fic idea I had.

Just wanted to share.


"Mom! Mom! Look at this!" Said two identical tiny children, a boy and a girl with pointy ears as they rushed towards their mother.

Their mother turned around with a smile to see her son with his hand encased in fire.

"Aww, that's...nice." said the mother with a kind smile as she knelt down to her son's level. "But remember what we said about using magic indoors, Marshall."

The boy expression showed that he forgot this piece of information before he extinguished the flames with his will.

"Sorry!" Marshall exclaimed in a panic.

"It's okay, just stay safe." Said the mother with a smile as she ruffled the boy's hair. "You too, Marcy."

The boy and his sister nodded before heading off to play together.

"How do you do that stuff? I wanna do that!" Exclaimed Marceline cheerfully.

"I don't know." Marshall shrugged. "I just think really really hard about cool stuff and they happen. But I think there are cooler stuff. Like vampires and candy people!"

Marceline giggled at the silliness of her brother's words.

The boy smiled at his sister as he thought about the future for he remembered his previous life.

He was originally just an orphan and usually the punching bag of the group. But one day, he died to a car and found himself in the world of his favorite show! As a gender bend spin off character, but he'll take what he can get.

He never saw all the episodes, but he knew enough to be ecstatic. He had magic, a loving family and his sister becomes the coolest person ever in the future!

It's all gonna be great.



Much later.

"Mom? Are you okay?" Asked a toddler Marceline worriedly as her mother layed on the ground.

Marshall rushed in with a warm towel hoping it would somehow help his mother.

"*Cough* I'm fine. You two just need to go on without me. I'll be right behind you." Said Elise in a soft tone.

Still feeling worried, the twins racked their brains for any solution before Marceline had an idea.

"Marsh, your magic! Maybe it can help!"

Marshall nodded immediately before he extended his arms and began to focus as hard as he could. But nothing happened.

"It'll all be okay. I just need some rest."

"No, I can do this. I can do this." Marshall continued to chant as he dug deeper into his mind for a solution.

He closed his eyes and looked around in his head for anything.

And there, he found a door. Desperate for something, he opened the door wide.

The moment he did, whatever was on the other side began trying to suck him in.

Marshall didn't give up, knowing that's what Finn would've done. He tried his hardest to shut the door once more with his mind.

And through enough determination, he succeeded and quickly snapped back into reality.

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