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Soap and I didn't have any decent sleep; we ended up dozing off on the couch until 3:30 in the morning, for then to rush back to our dorms like two kids that were ringing neighbors' doorbells, giggling and running to settle our things for the mission.
I packed up a backpack with essential necessities, my case with my trusted medical tools and my trustworthy laptop. The ruckus of passers-by and operatives getting ready was clearly audible from the inside.
As I was leaving my dorm, Soap was waiting for me at the hallway again, all geared up and carrying his guns. I've let an involuntary grin show up on my face upon seeing him.

- Ready to go, lassie?

- Born ready.

- To the hangar, then! - he fiercely pointed forward the hallway. - I'll save ya a seat!

Once we reached the hangar, I could see the vertiginous amount of soldiers involved in that mission, making their final preparations and sorting out spare items that may deem necessary. The Task Force team was apart of the crowd, talking among themselves. Elise and Ghost were side by side, arms crossed over their chests and maintaining some form of trance, standing still with zoned out eyes... It reminded me of stone gargoyles, standing ready at the church's roof trim. It was scary to see in person.

Mrs. Laswell handed me a tablet with remote specs and medical systems that we used at the base, so I could keep track of their records, besides a couple of pistols and ammo. I was glad that I'd get to protect myself just in case, but I was hoping not to have to.

We left for Mazrah with the sun still rising. Soap made sure to sit right next to me on the airplane, attracting stares from Captain Price and Ghost. Elise was still in her own world, with earbuds blasting music.
The tension and weird excitement could be felt in the air. Each operative was maintaining focus on the their upcoming tasks; whatever they would be. The dim light in the airplane was making everything far scarier.

As soon as we landed, Captain Price reinforced a handful of instructions, making sure that nobody was unprepared or unaware of anything. We would be setting a station inside of an abandoned warehouse; one of the many around Mazrah due to the constant wars. Another task force would be joining us halfway; apparently they were called 'The KorTac team'.

Mazrah was a hot and dusty place during the day; its temperature would fluctuate between 70 and 100 degrees. Thankfully I've been assigned to an empty office with a ceiling fan inside the warehouse, where the soldiers transformed into an improvised clinic. I'd may be Greek, but I wasn't cut for such harsh conditions.

With the improvised clinic set and ready, I needed to find a place to set up my tent. Some soldiers partnered up with the KorTac members and they started to assemble my tent. In the meantime, a humongous man; easily far beyond 6 feet 5, masking his face with a stained cloth easily lifted a box with parts of my foldable bed. He silently greeted me with a nod, and stood there waiting for further instructions.

- Hello to you too... What's your name, operative?

- ...König, ma'am.

- Well, thank you for your help, König. Let me point it out where you can put that box; follow me, please.

His eyes squinted on what would it be a hidden smile behind the cloth, and he sheepishly followed me towards my tent. He had to slouch a bit to enter; he was indeed a giant.

- You can place the box right there where you stand, I can assemble it. Once again, thank you so much!

- I-I've been instructed to fully help you, ma'am.

- Is that so? - I was intrigued.

- A-affirmative, ma'am.

- Very well. - I've let out a sigh in resignation. - I'll eventually need help with more things, anyway... Let's start with my shelf, please.

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