Chapter 6

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Russia's POV

After walking Philip towards his class and watching him enter his room, I turned around and left. "Hm.." I didn't go to my classroom as I figured I was already late and just went outside the campus and went to the park, once I was there, I sat in a nearby bench.

I sighed heavily as I sat down on the wooden bench and leaned slowly on it. "What am I supposed to do..." I'm having trouble keeping up with my subjects as well as my attendance. By this point I might actually have to repeat a grade. "This tutoring shit is the only option I have at this point."

Feeling frustrated I placed my hand inside my jacket i got out a lighter and a cigar. "К черту это... ( Fuck this... )" I lit up the cigarette with the lighter and took a smoke, after a few more minutes of listening to silence I suddenly heard footsteps walking to my direction. "My, my, my... Hello there Russia." I turned to my left and saw China smiling at me and noticed a bag his holding. "What do you want?" He chuckled softly and sat down beside me.

"Nothing at all, say, what nice weather were having." He placed the bag beside him and turned to face me. "What's in the bag?" Looking at his expression he stopped moving for a moment before answering. "It's... a gift for Philip." That's quite suspicious, he isn't this quiet when his talking about him.

I raised my eyebrows at suspicion and repeated the question. "You dodged my question, China. What's in the bag?" Before he could say anything else I quickly snatched it from him and immediately looked inside it. "What the hell is this..." Pausing for a moment, I saw what looked to be a bracelet and a golden flower hair clip? I turned to face him again before he quickly took back the bag in my hands.

"It's quite rude to take someone's gift, Russia." I can tell he forced a smile on his face and noticed he gripped on the bag tightly in irritation. "What are you going to do with that?" He sighed heavily and brushed the loosely strand of his hair. "Obviously give it to him, what else am i supposed to do with this?" He huffed in annoyance and stood up from the bench and angrily walked away heading towards the school.

I watched in silence as his figure slowly became smaller. "Alright..." After a few more minutes of sitting in silence and listening to the wind once again, I got up from the bench and threw away the cigarette in a near trash bin. "I'II just go back early." I started walking towards the school again, occasionally enjoying the sound of birds tweeting and the cold wind brushing through my hair.

When i made it to the entrance of the school i started walking in the quiet halls and made my way towards Philips classroom, as I know that his class is about to end in any minute now. *RINGGG!!!!* I stood by his door patiently and watched as other students went out the door and some even taking quick glance at me.

After a few more minutes of waiting, Philip finally walked out the door with his back cramping and his hair all mess up. "Sunshine." I watched as he was startled by my sudden voice and sighed softly. "Russia...! You scared me!" He huffed in annoyance as I looked at him innocently. "Sorry about that." I said as I now started dragging him towards the cafeteria. "Where are we heading?" I didn't reply to his question and just continued walking to the cafeteria.

Once we finally entered the room I placed him down on a empty chair. "I'll go get us some food, Philip. Just stay right here and don't move, alright?" He nodded as I now walked away from him and went towards the lunch lady.

I ordered what was available from the menu and soon started walking back to our table. "Hm.." Once i made it back to the table, i placed our tray down in front of Philip. "Hey Russia, can i ask you something..?" I hummed in response as I sat down on the chair beside him.

"Didn't we met yesterday? Although... When i saw that picture on your shelf, I can't help but wonder why was I was in the picture?" He stared at me in curiosity as he repeatedly tapped on the table. "It wouldn't matter much.. Even if i told you, you'd forget about it again." I sighed in disappointment. "What do you mean, again?" I looked back towards him with sadness and sorrow.

"Philip... What I'm saying is, you have amnesia." He looked to be at shock and shook his head in disagreement. "No.. It couldn't be.." I sat up from my chair and walked towards him and stopped just right beside him. "It's better not to pressure yourself in remembering what we were back then." I gently stroked his head and smiled as he stood up from his chair and hugged me.

"What were we before?" He looked up at me in curiosity. "We were best of friends..." I hugged him back tightly as i gently put my head on his shoulder. "Can we go back to being friends?" I hummed in agreement as I smiled warmly on his shoulder.

"Yes.. Yes we can."

[ Psithurism ] Countryhumans AU! RussxPhil ( DISCONTINUED! )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant