The Rebound

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We all just sat there waiting for someone to say something... Then mom sighed.

Good Dad/
"Why..." "You where gone this whole time!" "Nori.. just why..." I waiting for a resiiponse and then I looked over to see Uzi crying. She wasn't making any sound, she was just sitting there.

Mom was about to speak but I just couldn't handle it. I ran to my room and slam the door shut. I climbed back up from the hole in the roof I broke yesterday,and ran outside... I didn't know where I was going until I stopped at the spire... "N?..." I whispered. No response... I ran into the pod but there was nothing... "I-i need you right now..." "AGH!!!"

I was sitting on top of the spire, when I heard someone scream? I scooted down a little to see if they were talking, but they weren't?... I flew down to the ground, to see Uzi?... She looked stressed... She was crying... I immediately ran to her and sat down and hugged her...

I felt someone hugging me, and I knew it was N right away. He has a very gentle touch... I curled right into his arms, and just cried for hours...

*Meanwhile in the base*

Bad Dad/

"Y-yes... Darling?..." I looked at Khan as he started to cry... "I-Im sorry did I say something wrong?..."

Good Dad/
"N-No, it's just... You haven't called me darling in-..."

"17 years..."

Good Dad/
"I love you Nori..."

I look into his eyes. "I love you too"

*Later with Uzi and N*

Uzi stopped crying a little bit ago, and was fell asleep beside me. I didn't want to wake her, but I really wanted to know what happened, and it was going to be day soon. "Uzi?..." I said as I shook her on the shoulder lightly.

I felt someone shake myme on the shoulder and say my name. "Hm?..." I said quietly.

"Hey Uzi, how you feeling?..."

I looked up surprised that I was with him, I couldn't remember what had happened before I fell asleep. "I-i..." I stuttered as I looked back down and got interrupted.

"Hey.. it's okay" "Uzi..." "I understand"

...He said he understands... I looked back up at N with sparkle in my eyes."N?...'

"Yes Uzi?"

I couldn't hold it in any longer. "N... I love you!" "And I..."

Uzi x N ( The best couple ever)Where stories live. Discover now