Is That Really You?...

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I couldn't bare to watch them, so I ran away. I think I heard N yell to wait or stop but I was too mad and sad at the same time, to go running back. All I did was go back to the base and ran inside. "Dad!" I yelled crying. "..."

Good Dad/
"Uzi where were you!?" " I thought you ran away!" I got up and ran to Uzi, and hugged her. She hugged me back tightly and cried in my arms. Later we were sitting on the couch and she was laying on my shoulder. "Uzi?"


Good Dad/
"Can I ask you what happened?"

"Yeah..." "Do you know N and V?"

Good Dad/
"Yeah what about them?..."

"Well, N likes V and asked her out today!..." I said tearing up. "The thing is though I really like N, but he doesn't like me back either, or even notice!"

Good Dad/
"You know Uzi I really don't like the thought of you dating a disassembly drone, but I will be okay with whatever you do." "Ok?"

"... Ok, thanks dad..." "I knew you would always be there for me..." I start to smile again.

Good Dad/
"You know what? How about we go out to the woods to get our minds off of this topic?"

"Sure, that sounds like fun..." As we started to walk into the forest I looked up at the beautiful stars in the sky. "Hey dad?"

Good Dad/
"Yes honey?"

"Have you ever wondered if mom never actually died?"

Good Dad/
"Some times..."

"I'm sorry for asking that, it has just been on my mind for the past few days..."

Good Dad/
"It's alright..."

"GAH!" "Who just ran into me-" .... I looked over to dad and he looked terrified, I was too... "M-mom!?" "Is that really you!?"

*Breathing heavily* "No time to explain, just Run!!!"

So that's what we did we all ran back to the base...

Uzi x N ( The best couple ever)Where stories live. Discover now