He held up a crystal ball, which showed a castle engulfed in flames, creatures all around running away in panic.

The scene shifted to Puss and Kitty, turning back into regular feral alley cats, the magic being drawn out of them.

"When I get my wish, the whole world will be under my thumb," said Jack. "There will be no magic for any-one. Except me."

"Sweet Mother of Goose, Jack, your wish is horri-ble. Well, that means no more dreams come true," Bug replied, his voice shaking.

However, as Jack's unicorns trudged through the swamp, flowers on lily pads sprayed magical dust onto them.

The unicorns sparkled with enchantment and sprouted new horns and giant wings. They then flapped up into the air and flew away.

"Stop them! Grab a hoof. Grab a fetlock. Grab onto SOMETHING, you dummy!" Jack yelled to his penultimate baker.

The baker reached into the air and seized one of the unicorn's legs.

It was no use- he was taken skyward with the unicorn. PLOP! He fell to his death.

"You know Jack, perhaps this is the universe's way of telling you to-"

Jack impatiently reached up to his shoulder and flicked Ethical Bug away again.

Jack turned to his last remaining baker and motioned toward the pumpkin tank. "You can pull this thing, right?" he said.

"You're a survivor."

Back in the Cave of Reflection, Puss and wolf found themselves surrounded by the cave's facets. Each one of them showed puss reflection.

Puss and wolf saw multiple images of himself, vanishing into infinity.

And he could hear whispers . .. whispers calling his name!


"Huh? Did you say something lobo?" He asked wolf.

"Wasn't me"

Puss and wolf entered a vast stone chamber and gazed upon his reflection in a crystal pillar.

This reflection was HUGE, certainly larger than life. As Puss looked at it, the reflection winked at him and tipped his hat!

"Hey good looking"


Wolf heard him scream, "what was that" but he saw it too

Puss yelped out of fright and backpedaled right into another column. Just like that, a second larger-than-life Puss stared down at him.

"Why so jumpy, amigo?" this reflection asked.

"Whoa, what is happening" wolf asked.

"Hello, Puss. Gazpacho?"

"Ugh" wolf groans.

"Long time, no see"

"Always a pleasure to see me"

"Are these....all your past lives" wolf asked.

"♪ Hola, number nine. ♪"

"Afraid so" puss says.

"It's a proper party now that all nine of us are here"


"! Sí! Fiesta!"

"You know what? I love you guys"

"So, these are my your lives? Huh?" Wolf asked again.

"Reflections of the good old days"

"Okay?" Wolf says.

THE BAD GUYS IN: THE LAST WISHWhere stories live. Discover now