Getting the map back

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Doe glared up into the trees as the rest looked up, puss and kitty had climbed up into the forest canopy, using the branches like the rungs of a ladder, and left him behind on the forest floor.

(Okay, sure! Dog couldn't exactly climb trees, but RUDE!)

As Puss tried to look through the canopy, the branch he was latched onto broke. Puss swung into a plunging drop, but in a lightning-fast move, Kitty grabbed on and made sure he was okay.

"If you wanted to hold my hand, all you had to do is ask," Kitty quipped.

"Um. Just. Feel free to pull me up whenever you get the chance.

"Oh, I was just remembering the last time I offered you my hand. Only, that time I believe you had cold feet."

Puss smiled weakly as Kitty finally pulled him back up. Now they were both on the same side of the tree, standing whisker-to-whisker.

"Well, since were on the topic ... Kitty, um. I am sorry about Santa Coloma. It was wrong, it was cowardly, and I should have apologized for it long ago," Puss said.

"Don't eat yourself up too much," Kitty said. "I didn't show up either."

Puss blinked, taking this in. Kitty climbed higher, leaving him behind.

"Wait, what?" Puss asked.

He scrambled up the tree after her, but she popped up on random branches, as if taunting him.

"I know I could never compete with your one true love," Kitty admitted. "The legend. Kitty pulled the brim of Puss's hat down on his face before pulling it off him entirely.

"I wasn't going to show up for that guy. But you don't seem like the same guy anymore."

She put his hat on her head. Then she smirked and climbed off.

Puss pondered for a moment what that all that meant, before turning back to the task at hand.

After a bit more climbing, Kitty and Puss came across a vast horizon of magical snow flurries and chimney smoke.

"See anything puss" wolf yelled.

rising from the tree line. They traveled back down to the forest floor and told Dog their heading.

"There's a cottage, up ahead, we think they might be there" puss says.

Kitty, Puss, the Dog and bad guys approached the cottage warily, like commandos on a mission behind enemy lines.

(which, to be clear, wasn't unlike what they were doing)

"What do you think, bug?" Meanwhile jack was watching them through the crystal ball

"Do I wait for the cats to steal the map and then kill them, or do I just kill everybody all at once?"

"You know, I'm starting to think you don't appreciate the value of a life"

"What? No.I mean, I love these guys" he was walking on his henchmen like bridge.

"Flex the glutes. I need a solid surface"

"There's good in all people. There's good in all people You know, Jack, maybe we need to dig a little deeper.T-Tell me about your childhood"

"You know, I never had much as a kid. Just loving parents and stability and a mansion and a thriving baked goods enterprise for me to inherit Useless crap like that. But once I get my wish, I'll finally have the one thing that will make me happy"

"Oh, well, what's that?"

"All of the magic in the world, For me And no one else gets any.Is that so much?"

THE BAD GUYS IN: THE LAST WISHWhere stories live. Discover now