Stealing the map

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0utside Jack Horner's pie factory, the Serpent Sisters Jo and Jan chatted with Jack's henchmen.

"Howdy, boys! We've got a special delivery for Mr. Jack Horner," Jo said.

The bad guys and Puss surveilled the area.

He pulled himself up to the top of the wall to scout out Horner's headquarters.

Although Puss had completed many missions before-perhaps far more dangerous ones -this was the first one without his extra lives to count on.

"Looks pretty tight there" wolf says, "are sure you can handle it, seeing you gotten so soft" he mocked him and the others laughed causing puss to grow at them.

"Okay very funny, but I think I can handle it, I just get in and out," Puss said, "Easy peasy."

"Lemon squeezy!" came a voice. Puss whipped around and saw Dog standing right next to him, and the bad guys were taken by surprised.

"AH" they looked at the dog with a stick clenched in his mouth.

"What the heck is that thing?" Snake asked.

"look's like he lost his brain or has amnesia" piranha stares at the fog.

"Ay, Dios mio, what are you doing here?"

"I brought you a sword," Dog said.

"You know that thing?" Wolf asked.

"No!" Puss replied.

"I'm puss's best friend"

"No he's not"

"And his therapy dog"

Then everyone snickered, "I didn't know you needed a therapy dog" wolf chuckles.

Puss was ready to explode. "I do not...and That's not a sword; that's a stick," he said.

"It's a stick-sword!"

Piranha plays with it and he teases puss about it, "you can use it to poke someone's eye" then everyone laughed.

"Go home," Puss growled.

Puss turned his attention back to the factory. It was surrounded by massive, spiked gates and a team of rough-looking henchmen.

"My home is where my friends are," Dog said to Puss.

" sweet" webs teased then shark chuckles.

"Are you Sure He's not your friend"

"Again, we are not friends," Puss reminded him.

Dog lifted his sweater up, revealing his belly and everyone was grossed out by it.



"Oh gross"

Piranha poked his tummy...

"Rub for luck?" Then piranha rubbed his tummy.

But Puss was only getting more annoyed. "I don't need luck for this," he said. "I am a highly skilled master cat thief. Watch."

Puss slid down into a small pie vent, but he accidentally got stuck halfway and everyone laughed, As Puss shimmed himself into the vent, Dog slipped the stick in Puss's scabbard.

"You got this," Dog assured him.

"We'll be outside with the car running, so don't be late" wolf says.

Puss didn't reply. He shimmied his way down.

Inside the pie factory, a line of nervous bakers watched as a giant thumb came in and smashed into a pie, then lifted it up to teeth to taste.

THE BAD GUYS IN: THE LAST WISHWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu