Kitty and Diane's past

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Puss, Kitty Dog, the bad guys, Diane and princess drifted down the bubbly river, from
Princess's map. True to the "bubbly" name, they admired their adversaries' avatars on the enchanted map.

Jack Horner's location was stuck in field of roses.

"Do your job, demon flowers," Kitty said.

Meanwhile, Dog was practicing his cute-eyes trick. It wasn't going well and princess was looking at the soap foams in the river and the bubbles around her, she pops one, it caused her to giggle.

"Okay, one more time. Like this," said Kitty as Dog watched her hypnotic cute-cat gaze intently.

"Trust me," she continued, trying to lure him into the gaze.

"Aw. That's amazing. But of course, I trust you and Puss, even without the eyes," Dog said.

"Yeah? Big mistake," said Kitty.

"A big mistake trusting kitty" Diane says as she crosses her arms, kitty looks back at diane who avoids looking her in the eyes, she was clearly angry with kitty.

"What do you mean? You're my friends."

"You know what trust gets you? A sock, a rock, and a swim in the river," Kitty replied.

"That's not what trusting her gives you" Diane says.

"Why what did it give you" the dog asked Diane.

"BETRAYAL and a stab in the back"

"Well You have to trust somebody, right?" asked Dog.

Kitty shook her head. "Whenever I've let my guard down, I've been played, betrayed, and . .. declawed." Kitty looked down at her paw.

"But you did betray someone...once" Diane says.

"Never again. I'm a solo act. I keep my secrets, and I play my cards close. That's how you get a winning hand. Take it from me. Never trust anybody." Kitty held up Dog's sweater vest.

During her speech, she had expertly swiped it with her cat-thief skills, further demonstrating that he couldn't trust anybody.

Dog, however, stared at her innocently, wagging his tail. He thought it was amazing.

Kitty threw the sweater back at Dog with a grin.

While Kitty and Dog were contemplating the intricacies of the cute-eyes, Puss had a dilemma all on his own.

It was the beard. He could pretend that he liked it all he wanted, but he didn't. So, maybe if he convinced Kitty to help him, he could spare his feelings and restore himself to his natural state all at once.

"Kitty, I've been thinking. My beautiful beard. It is very distinguished, yes, but it does deprive the world of a good look at . .. my face. So, if it will make you happy, I could be convinced to-"

"I've gotten used to it," Kitty interjected.

"Wait, what?" This wasn't part of Puss's plan.

"The beard. Keep it."

"Well, you see . .. heh," Puss started to say, but he couldn't handle it anymore.

"Kitty, PLEASE! Get this itchy thing off me!" He launched himself into another round of frenzied scratching.

"Hold on. Is the great Puss in Boots asking for help? Can't shave it yourself? Isn't your stick sharp enough?"
The bad guys laughed, "she's got you good puss"

"Ha, ha! She's razzin' ya, Puss!" Dog called.

Kitty had her fun, but she wouldn't make Puss beg.

She drew a small ankle knife from her boot and started shaving him aggressively.

THE BAD GUYS IN: THE LAST WISHWhere stories live. Discover now