"What's the rush? It's not like Mordor is going anywhere," Beorn commented, scratching at his lightly furred stomach.

"No, but I would like to get some miles past us in case the snow becomes too heavy," he explained as he began to walk off without waiting for his comrades.

"He's right; let's move on," Tauriel ordered as she straightened her shoulders like a general preparing to lead an army to war. She followed after the Hobbit while behind her Bard pushed Beorn ahead of him, and used him as a shield against the Elf maiden.

"How long do you think it will take to get to Mordor?" he asked the Elf while ignoring the two cowards behind them.

The archer shrugged her slender shoulders. "I don't know. Depending on how the weather goes and our supplies, it may take at least a month until we reach the south end of Mirkwood."

The Hobbit felt his heart sink. He knew that it would take a good while before they reached Mordor, but hearing it confirmed just made his spirits dampen. He didn't want to spend so much time lingering and doubting himself while the ring taunted him in the back of his mind. He just wanted to get the whole quest over with and learn if he was going to live or not.

"I don't know how Frodo handled it all," he said quietly as he stuffed his hands into his pockets in an attempt to keep them warm.

Tauriel blinked and glanced at him before turning her eyes back to the front. "Frodo… He was the one who originally destroyed the ring, yes?"

"Yes," he confirmed with a nod. "He's my cousin by blood, but I always thought of him as a nephew and then later my son. He was also the only one brave and strong enough to carry the ring to Mordor."

Tauriel clucked her tongue and nodded. "I see. You are doing this for him aren't you? Why? Do you fear he will not be able to handle it in this lifetime?"

He shook his head and unintentionally created a song of bells with his braids. "No. Frodo could do it again. No matter what I change or don't change in this lifetime, Frodo will always have the strength it takes to face Sauron and the ring. It is simply who he is and nothing will ever change that."

"Then why endure this mission instead of waiting for him to do it?" the Elf wondered quietly.

"Because this quest will break him," he replied simply. "It will break his spirit and he will never completely heal. I can't… I cannot let that happen again. I cannot let this stupid ring break my boy's spirit again."

Tauriel turned to look at him again with ancient eyes that knew far too much. "If that quest broke his spirit, then what do you think it will do to you?"

He shrugged one shoulder and gave her a brittle smile. "I don't know. I am not as strong as him so perhaps I will shatter in the end."

"And you don't mind that? Is this Hobbit truly worth the risk?" the archer asked with one brow arched.

Frodo giggles and ducks behind the rose bush. After a moment he peeks out over the top; his blue eyes bright and dancing with glee. One look into those eyes makes his heart melt and his mood lift up in seconds. For the first time since he returned from Erebor, he feels truly happy again and it is all thanks to the little boy playing in his garden

Bilbo nodded and looked back to the road before him. "Yes. Frodo will always be worth it."


A Shot in the Dark (Thilbo - Bagginshield)Where stories live. Discover now