
Thorin and Bofur both jumped at the sudden shrieking Hobbit as he proceeded to scream his lungs out. Bilbo was quite sure he looked like a child having a temper tantrum, but he really didn't care. He needed an outlet for his frustration, and it was either screaming or punching someone in the face. Since he couldn't choose between Thorin and Thranduil, screaming won out.

When he finally stopped, he found the two Dwarves silently staring at him with mixed expressions. He ignored them both, turned on his heel, and marched out of the hall and back to the gates. There he found Gandalf and Balin arguing with a familiar Elvenking while Óin stood off to the side watching. Bard and his Men had disappeared, but he spotted Dwalin and Nori standing with the healer while outside lingered three mounted Elves that he did not recognize.

"—can't just march in here like that!" Balin scolded, glaring up at the king.

"I don't see why not. Your door is wide open," retorted Thranduil, coolly unfazed.

Gandalf stood between the two and looked close to smacking them both with his staff. "Enough! Arguing now will not—"

"I have simply come for what was promised to me," interrupted the Elf, arching a high brow. "Grant me my reward and I will happily leave you all alone."

"There's nothing to grant! We haven't even split the treasure yet!" snapped Balin.

"Then I won't be leaving so soon now, will I?"

"Damnit, Thranduil, stop antagonizing him!"

"What is going on here?!" bellowed Thorin as he stomped into the halls with Bofur trailing after him.

The arguing trio turned to the Dwarf king as one. Balin relaxed as Gandalf groaned and Thranduil pulled his lips back in the slightest hint of a snarl.

"What is that doing here?" Thorin demanded, pointing to Thranduil but looking to Balin for an answer.

"I was promised a portion of the treasure and I have come for it," the Elf answered before Balin could speak up.

The Dwarf king sneered. "You will get nothing from me, kalil rukhs."

Thranduil simply looked at him without blinking. "My arrangement was not made with you."

All eyes immediately went to Bilbo, who could only shrug. "I did make a deal with him. My portion for our freedom."

"And I held up my part of the bargain," added the Elf, tilting his head to the side slightly. "Now it is your turn, halfling."

The Hobbit nodded and waved a hand impatiently. "Yes, yes, I will uphold my end as well. You will have your promised treasure."

"He will not!" objected Thorin, making a slicing motion with one hand. His dark eyes burned brutally as he glared up at the Elvenking. "You will get nothing from us! Get out now before I cut you down!"

"Master Oakenshield control yourself!" thundered Gandalf, the air crackling around him with tightly controlled power. Balin discreetly took a few steps back, but Thranduil did not even blink as his liquid blond hair whipped around his shoulders.

Thorin did not look threatened either and even stepped closer to the wizard. Bilbo quickly reached out and locked his hands around the Dwarf's forearm before he did something stupid in his madness.

"Enough, Thorin," he soothed, wrapping his arms around the muscled limb, and digging his heels into the ground. "We will get nowhere with threats so calm down."

"Aye, Bilbo is right," agreed Balin, moving to stand at Thorin's other side, and settling his hand on his cousin's shoulder to ground him. "Yelling will not solve anything. Take a breath and relax before you give yourself another headache."

A Shot in the Dark (Thilbo - Bagginshield)Where stories live. Discover now