Gally sighed then looked at Julia. The fire was bright in her eyes, she was laughing with the girls, she looked peaceful. Thomas frowned, then placed a hand on Gally's shoulder. "Hey, it's not your fault. You were scared, Gally, then you got stung, Wicked was controlling you... we were all messed up that day. Just be thankful you're both here and you're together again, okay?" Gally looked at Thomas, his face blank. This was uncertain territory for them both, more so for Gally, but he smiled slightly at the other boy. Neither of them said anything, they didn't need to. Then Julia came over and sat between them, planted a kiss on Gally's cheeks, then laid her head on Thomas' shoulder. "Hey," Minho said, looking somber. "We're going to put the names down now... if you three are up for it." Julia inhaled sharply, clutching Thomas' and Gally's hands in each of hers. Newt smiled imploring at Thomas, then at Julia. The Gladers made their way to the Memorial Rock, some names already carved onto it. Fry had just finished Winston's name and held the knife out. "Who wants to go first?" No one moved. Julia stepped back, wrapping her arms around herself. Minho pulled her into a hug, whispering to her. Newt stepped forward, took the Knife, then spelled out Alby's name. He handed the knife to Minho and took Julia into his arms while Minho carved out "Ben." Then he handed Gally the knife. Gally froze, looking at it like it brought him pain.

"Give it time," Thomas said. The Gladers looked at him, and Gally turned away from Thomas, unable to look at him, knowing whose name he needed to carve. Slowly, painfully, he approached the rock, and exhaled heavily. Julia came up behind him, wrapping her arms around him, burring her face into his back. It felt like hours had gone by when Gally had finished. He brushed away some dust and stared at the name, Chuck. Julia let out a pained whine and Thomas immediately wrapped her in his arms. Both were crying softly. Everyone looked away, except Gally. Seeing this, Thomas slowly reached out his hand, afraid of Gally's reaction, but when Gally didn't move, Thomas set an arm around him while the other held Julia. "I don't know how you can..." Gally began, but Thomas shushed him. "It hurts, it'll always hurt, but I can look at you and not want to rip you apart." He sighed, then continued, "I won't forget what you said back in the city Gally; I can forgive you, even though I know you think you don't deserve it, but you earned it." Suddenly, Julia's arms wrapped around the two boys, pulling them close to her as she sobbed. Thomas gently removed her grip from himself, and pulled her away from the rock, sitting her down by the fire.

Gally took one last look at the name, the name of a kid he loved and killed, then stepped back. He turned and found Vince and handed him the knife, then he was pulled into another hug by his Gladers, his friends, his brothers. He chuckled softly at the feeling of being smothered, then smiled at them all. Minho said he'd put down the rest of the Gladers and told everyone else to go back to the fire and have fun. Fry, Newt, and Gally sat back down and watched as Julia cuddled into Thomas' arms. He was whispering to her while she messed with the ring Ava gave her. Julia looked up at him and he nodded, seemingly giving her approval for something. Thomas picked her up and placed her in Gally's arms before cuddling with Newt. "Everyone okay?" the blonde boy asked his friends. Everyone turned to smile at Newt, answering him in turn. While the others talked amongst themselves, Newt bent his head to whisper in Thomas' ear, "Tommy, I want you to know Alby would be proud of you. And I'm proud of you." Thomas smiled sadly and craned his neck to kiss Newt. The two of them watch their friends; Fry laughing loud enough it would boom through the sand, Brenda and Minho flirting secretly, Aris talking with Jorge and Vince, and Gally and Julia curled around each other while holding conversation with the girls.

After everyone had eaten their fill, laughed, and smiled till it hurt, and the fire had reached low flames, Vince announced it was time for bed. Most went to sleep instantly, but Thomas and Julia looked at one another, their eyes held a silent conversation no one else would know. They smiled at the sight of each other wrapped in their lover's arms, then Thomas held out a finger for Julia to take. Just like back in the Scorch, they intwined their fingers, locked in a promise-like way, and slept.

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