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Narrator- Night had fallen, the fire burned bright as everyone sat under a large tent that stood above rows of wooden steps, almost like bleachers. The Gladers, along with Brenda, sat with one another, waiting for Venice to speak. They had all collectively agreed to get Safe Haven up and running as much as possible before having what Venice referred to as a welcoming party. Julia sat against Gally's legs, Thomas next to Brenda with Minho and Newt on the steps in front of them. After retrieving a knife and a drink for himself, Vince walked over to the fire and stood in front of the large boulder that would serve as the Memorial Rock. Everyone went silent. "We have come a long way together. So many have sacrificed so much to make this place possible." "Your friends, your family. So, here's to the ones that couldn't be here. Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you, it's for all of us." Everyone raised their glasses up, silently remembering their loved ones. The Gladers turned to each other, their faces blank, but they smiled softly. "Now this, this is for them," Vince continued, pointing at the rock. "So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace." He stuck the knife into a wooden pole, then turned to raise his glass. "Welcome to the Safe Haven!"

Everyone cheered. Some stood, or jumped up and down, the rest stayed seated; clapping and hugging anyone they knew. While everyone gathered around the fire, the Gladers walked away to be alone. Gally, Julia, Thomas, Minho, Newt, and Fry sat in silence, watching the dark waves, smiling. "This is going to be a good home for us," Minho said. Thomas and Newt looked at each other for a moment then slung their arms around their friends' shoulders. "We did it," Julia spoke softly, her voice was calm, yet disbelieving. Gally took her hand in his and smiled. They all went silent again until Julia started sniffling. The boys looked at her; she was smiling, crying tears of joy as they slowly slid down her face. "I love you guys so much!" she cried, letting out a sob. Thomas looked at her, his face hopeful, "Does that include me too?" Julia let out a tear-filled laugh before turning to look at him. "Yes, I love you too, you shucking idiot." Thomas jumped up and whooped in victory. Then he grabbed Julia and started spinning her around while she screamed and yelled at him. "She said it! She loves me!" The other boys started laughing, Newt was playfully scolding his boyfriend and Gally shook his head, still not used to seeing the two of them act like this. Thomas slung Julia onto his back, and he started running around while she screamed and laughed.

"I give up on those two," Newt said, watching them with the biggest smile on his face. "Minho, save me!" Julia screamed for her best friend, who doubled over and laughed before jumping up and chasing after Thomas. "Oh, god, there's three of them!" Gally groaned, watching as Minho scooped Julia up and bolted, Thomas giving chase as the three of them yelled and hurled playful insults at one another. "Okay, give me back my girlfriend, you two shucking morons," Gally yelled. Minho jogged over and plopped Julia on Gally's lap, then grabbed Thomas by the neck and began wrestling him to the ground. "For shucks sake, why!" Newt whined, but he had tears in his eyes from laughing. The two broke off and sat back down; Minho between Newt and Fry, Thomas at Gally and Julia's feet. Julia reached out and fluffed Thomas' hair, and he turned to smile at her. "Greenie, I don't think I thanked you for taking care of her. So, thanks for that, and for keeping her safe," Gally said to him. Thomas gave him a crooked smile and his eyes brightened when he looked at Julia. He nodded at Gally then rested his head on Newt's knee.

They all stayed there a few moments longer before walking over to the fire to join the others. Fry went over to his group of cooks to hand out food, while the others joined Vince, Jorge, the girls, and Aris. Thomas chose to sit between Brenda and Gally, Newt and Minho stood with Jorge and Aris. Thomas and Gally watched Harriet and Sonya play with Julia's hair while she spoke to them. "They love her; you should've seen Harriet when we stayed with them the past few months, practically worshiped Julia," Thomas told Gally. Gally snorted. "Doesn't surprise me; she's beautiful in every way, she's always had a big heart, and a kick-ass attitude. I don't know Harriet, but she and Sonya seem tough." Thomas nodded, then Gally turned to him, a serious look on his face. "Greenie, what happened to her after... after the Glade?" Thomas swallowed, sighing. "She was a mess. Sleep deprived, not eating, nightmares, all that stuff. You heard Newt say it took two months of caring for her? Yeah, it wasn't easy, but we pulled through."

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