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Alby- "We need to see her other injury, so we know how to treat it, and how long it'll take to heal," Clint said. I had woken up to the sound of crashing, screaming, and crying; the girl had tried getting up without help and taken a nasty fall. I looked at Newt, who was biting his nails, staring at the hut in concern. "Wait, they sent her extra clothes, right? Grab a pair of pants and cut them short," I said to Newt. He nodded and went inside to talk to the girl, then came back out, grabbing a pair of black pants and a knife, then went back inside to give them to her. The four of us stood in silence a few moments until she called for us.

When we walked in, we all froze; covering half her thigh was one, large, bruise. "Bloody, shucking, hell! No wonder she's in pain!" Newt exclaimed. Clint and Jeff looked it over, glancing at one another. "This is pretty shucking bad, Alby. She must've fallen hard or something to get a bruise this bad." "But what about the other bruises?" I asked. "We think she either had them beforehand or got them from fighting the assholes that put her here, because not only are they random, but some are obviously from hands." Newt inhaled sharply through his teeth, anger on his face.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She didn't respond, just looked at the floor, miserable and holding back tears. "I'll get her food. Newt, I want you to stay with her today. Got it?" He smiled at me and patted my shoulder. I knew I could count on him, so I walked out. While Fry finished cooking breakfast, I found Gally and asked him about the hut. "If we work in our shifts and follow our old blueprints, should take a month or two." I nodded and slapped him on the back. "Good that. Newt talked to her about sleeping outside, said she doesn't mind." Gally nodded and walked over to the others while Fry reached me, handing me the girls' food.

"Easy now! Try to relax, it feels weird the first few times." I turned and saw Newt with the girl, trying to help her walk on the crutches again. I frowned, seeing her bruise from all the way over here. Dark black and blue clearly visible against her tan skin. I jogged over, wondering what was going on. "Said she wants to be outside," Newt answered, then he turned to her, "Do you want to sit at the tables?" She looked over and frowned, shuffling about, uncomfortable. I noticed everyone looking at her, but they stopped when they saw me glaring. I looked back at her. "Well, little lady?" She shook her head and gestured over at the trees. "Okay, nice and easy now, love," Newt spoke gently to her.

Jeff tucked a pillow under my arm, and I followed Newt as he stuck close to the girl, making sure she didn't fall. It took a few times, but eventually she got it, now using the crutches by herself. Newt sat her down and took the food from me. "Newt!" We looked over to see Gally walking over. "Fry dished your food too," he said, handing it to him. I noticed the girl smiling at Gally and watched him out of the corner of my eye. He looked at her and asked if she was okay; she said yes, but rubbed her leg, wincing.

Gally's eyes winded at her bruise, then looked at me. "Shuck if I know," I told him. "Little lady, Gally here is the one in charge of building your hut. So, don't worry; you're in good hands," I said, knocking the back of his head. He fakes a swing at me, and we started wrestling, which made the girl giggle. We all looked at her, surprised, because she looked happy for the first time since getting here. Newt smiled at her, then at me. "Alright, let's leave her be. Newt, I'll check on you two later." I walked away, pushing Gally with me. Once we were out of earshot, I turned to him, "She seems to like you." I said it casually enough, but he still looked shocked. "I don't know why, I haven't done anything, I swear, except help her." I snorted. "Gal, chill. You're not in trouble, just making an observation." He sighed, deeply, then looked over at the girl.

While she ate, Newt was talking to her, making gestures around the Glade, occasionally pointing at some of the Gladers. Must be giving her the lazy tour since she can't walk. "I think Newt likes her, or at least thinks she's pretty, because he smiles at her too. Keeps calling her "love"." I raised an eyebrow. I did notice that, but I assume it's because he's the kindest out of us all. Thankfully, I could trust Newt, that's why's he's my second. But even I couldn't deny she was attractive, so he was probably right. Taking the chance to tease him, I smirked at Gally and asked, "What about you? You think our little newbie's pretty?" Gally looked offended and angry. "That's not shucking funny. I worry about her; she's injured and surrounded by idiot boys. Anything could happen." This angered me, but at the same time, I know he's right.

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