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"Y/n Riinu!" You heard Satomi yell out waving his arms for you both to notice him "Satomi-kun!" you said waving at him "You guys are late." Root said intimidating perusual "Sorry we got caught up on something!" you said bowing down.

"It's alright we forgive you two" Nanamori said patting both of you and Riinu's head.

"So what are we planning to do today?" "Banana banana banana!" Colon said as you and Root stared at him with confusion "I sometimes wonder why he knows banana language.." you mumbled as Root nodded in agreement "Colon said we should go to the local store" "Bana! banana bana bana banaa!" "Yeah uh Colon can you use human language?" Root asked him as Colon shook his head.

Root glared at him as Nanamori slowly pushed him aside "Sato-kun what should we do?" "I don't know" "...Gardening!" you said as all six members looked at you and gave you a thumbs up "Ya..use words" You said.

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You put the plant in the pot fixing it up a bit "Y/n-sann! Help me please?" Root said with a innocent voice having his hand together and giving you the puppy eyes "Well..can't you do it yourself?" "I don't understand plants" "You do" "I don't" "You do" "I don't" "You d-" "Just help me Y/n-sannn!!" he said now pouting.

You had no other choice but to help him .

After a few mess ups you finally planted it in the pot "Thank you Y/n" "No problem" you said while he gave you a soft smile and hugged you tightly "Root I think you're hugging Y/n-chan to tight!" Satomi said while looking at the two of you.

To be honest...he was.. your face is turning purple-

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You had Colon on a leash apparently "You sure it isn't suppose to be your dog on the leash?" Jel asked looking at the both of you "...I don't own a dog Jel" you said as Colon tried to run away with his usual monkey noises.

"Oi Colon" you gently tugged the leash making him go back to you "Uke uke ukeee!!" "I don't understand" "Riinu is the only one who understands him" "I wonder how.." "...Could he used to be a monkey?-" "Isn't he originally a dog?" you and Jel looked at each other before shrugging in sync while giggling.

"What should we get to eat?" "Bana-" "No." you and Jel said glaring at him "Fugu" "No one is risking their lives to eat fugu"


"Shabu shabu!" Jel said having a wide smile "Pleasee Y/n!!" "If you pay for it" Jel's smile turned into a sad but funny frown "..Colon?" Colon had his cheeks puffed out and his eyes closed "...fine..I'll be paying" both of them went back to being their happyselves and Jel hugged you tightly.

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You sat down waiting for the other 3 still having Colon around the leash.

"Y/n-sannn do I have to have this around me neckkk?" Colon said in a whiny voice you nodded in response before hearing the cashier welcoming people you looked around seeing the 3 eldest in the group "We're here!" "Sorry if we were late N/n" "Yeah we apologize" they said sitting down in front of you with smile on their faces "It's fine.. but not when Colon whined a few seconds ago" you said pulling Colon back down onto the seat.

"We're really sorry Y/n!" Nanamori said bowing his head down a bit to far and ended up banging his head onto the table "....Naa-kun?.." "Naa-kun fainted" Satomi said before Colon started to poke on Nanamori's cheek.

You backed into your seat as Satomi had meat between his chopsticks which looked like it was gonna fall soon "Satomi just drop it" Jel said having Nanamori as a human shield "You've been holding that for 2 minutes Satomi please just drop it or it'll splatter all over us" Nanamori said holding up his hands few inches away from his face to block him just incase it drops into the broth.

"Why are you guys so tense it won't even be that bad if I dropped it into the-" The meat splashed into the broth which a few did hit Nanamori and you "...I hate you Satomi" "Love you to Y/n-" "No romance please" "Please continu-" "Jel no!" Jel pouted in response.

"Y/n how long have you and the youngers been friends for?" "13 years I think?" you said looking over to Colon to see if he knows which he doesn't since he's to busy eating "Really? I can't even hold up a friendship for 4-" "Naa-kun you literally have been with us for 7 years.." Satomi said having his hands like he'll choke him.

-ˏ͛⑅ ‧̥̥͙‧̥̥ ̥ ̮ ̥ ⊹ ‧̫‧ ⊹ ̥ ̮ ̥ ‧̥̥‧̥̥͙ ⑅ˏ͛-

"Byee byee Y/n!" "Bye byee" "Get home safeee! Same with Colon!" Nanamori yelled out waving goodbye "I will!!" you yelled back also waving good bye to the 3 elders "C'mon Colo" "Ukeee.." "Of course you're tired.. hurry up so you don't fall asleep while I'm taking you home!" you said tugging on the leash gently.

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