Start from the beginning

He acted as if he were playing on the track himself. Brian scrutinized him in curiosity. "I can believe this is really happening to me" Claire said towards Andrew rolling her eyes. "Oh shit! What are we supposed to do if we have to take a piss?" He asked looking around as if he wasn't familiar with detention.

The two preppy kids scowled thinking it was a real concern. "Well if you gotta go, you gotta go." He went to unzip his pants. "Oh, my God." Claire groaned. Andrew leaned down to see if he could see if John was being genuine, "you're not urinating I here, man."

"Don't. Don't talk. It makes it crawl back up." John said. January made a face. Brain tilted his head to look. "You whip it out, you're dead before the first drop hits the floor." Andrew threatened. "You're pretty sexy when you get angry." John taunted. Owen smirked shaking his head.

"Hey homeboy," John called out to Brain. Brian looked up from the paper and pointed at himself with the end of his pen. "Why don't you go close that door? We'll get baby face and prom queen impregnated." He finished.

Claire turned around swiftly. Brian screwed his face up in disbelief at the guy's words about his Dolly.. and of course Claire. "Don't say crazy stuff like that" He defended, taking a glace at Dolly. To his relief she was still blasting music probably damaging her eardrums.

Considering his personality, it was pretty big from him to even speak up to someone as intimidating as John Bender. January and Owen looked at each other and shrugged. They thought it was good enough. If he broke her heart then they would just have to jump him. Allison was just watching everything go down in silence.

"Hey. Hey!" Andrew said to get John's attention. "What?!"

"If I lose my temper, you're totaled, man."


"Totally" Andrew confirmed. "Why don't you shut up? Nobody here's interested. Really. Buttface." Claire said. January laughed at the childish insult which gained her a look from John. Dolly looked at her friends noticing the movement.

She slid her headphones off and let them rest on the table. "What happened?" She asked, clueless."Nothing" Brian said, smiling before anyone else had the chance to say anything else. 'Okay..' Dolly thought.

John went back to what he was saying, "Hey, Sporto, what'd you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?"

Dolly gave a look of disbelief toward Brian with her eyebrows raised. "Excuse me, fellows, I think we should just write our papers" Brian avoided eye contact with her. "Just because you and your friends live here doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass. So knock it off!" Andrew turned around in his seat facing John.

"What the hell do I got to do with this?" Owen's smile faded. John yawned, "Well it's a free country."

"He's just doing it to get a rise out of you. Just ignore him." Claire tried to calm Andrew down. Dolly was just wondering how this even started. January shook her head. She didn't take Claire or Andrew seriously. "Sweets," John called out to Claire, "you couldn't ignore me if you tried."

"So are you guys together?" Owen asked. He was up there on the social pyramid but he didn't care much about anyone else other than his people. "Like boyfriend-girlfriend?" John continued looking back and forth at the two, "Study(Steady? Idk captions say steady) dates? Lovers? Come on, Sporto. Level with me. Did you slip her the hot-beef injection?"

"Ugh that's gross John" January nose crinkled. These weird ass anologies were grossing her out. "Go to hell!" Claire yelled at john the same time Andrew yelled "Enough!"

"Hey! What's going on in there?" Vernon shouted from his office. "Nothing!" Dolly said back. "Spoiled little pricks" Vernon muttered under his breath.

John smirked getting the reactions he wanted and high-fived Owen as he got up. "What do you say we close that door?" John acted as if he was asking. "Cmon Johnny. Every week that door gets closed" January slid down her seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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