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"Hey, hey, hey, heyyy! Ooh, Woahhh

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"Hey, hey, hey, heyyy! Ooh, Woahhh.."

"Won't you come see about me? I'll be alone, dancing you know it, baby. Tell me your troubles and doubts..."

Dahlia's mother pulled up to the school for the detention she had no idea about until this morning. There were a few other cars around which meant that her daughter wouldn't be completely alone. She cut down the radio and looked at her oldest daughter who was flipping through a book.

"What happened? I thought everything was alright at school" Margaret asked, pulling up the sleeve of her scrub jacket.

Dolly sighed, "It's nothing like that. Vice Principal Vernon keep gave me a detention because he caught me being late. Uncle Brooker wasn't there that day so he was in charge of most of the issues. It was like he was just itching to give me one."

Margaret understood almost immediately. Because she decided to take the late night or early morning shifts at the hospital after Dolly's dad died a few years ago, Dahlia would be the one to take her younger siblings to school and care for them until their mother could. Though It wasn't like she had to work since the inheritance from her husband was pretty hefty but she wasn't going to waste her degree.

"That bastard is probably still butthurt that I didn't pick him all those years ago. Maybe I should get you that car. I'm sorry, sweetheart " She apologized. Just as Dolly was about to respond, she glanced at the time 7:00 am.

"Shit! I'm gonna be late again." She groaned. "Language" Her mom chided trying to hide the smile she had. Dolly hurriedly kissed her mother on the cheek grabbing her bag on the way out the car and walked into the school.

She wondered into the library with familiarity. Dolly glanced at every one that was currently in the room and recognized most of them. Her face brightened when she saw her best friend, January. "I didn't know you had a detention" January said, pulling out a seat for her.

"Really? I could have sworn I told you about it yesterday on the phone" Dolly tilted her head. "did I forget then? Maybe after that fight.." January questioned herself. "Oh why didn't Owen sit next to you? I walked passed him earlier." Dolly was confused.

Usually the two always showered PDA on everyone. "Last time him and I had detention together we sat with each other and Vernon went ballistic. He gave us another detention on top of the detentions we already had" She shrugged.

"Besides there goes Brian" January whispered.

She knew of Dolly's small crush on the boy. "Oh shush" Dahlia said, she was in the process of putting a bandaid over January's cut but still managed peeked at him. She wondered why he was in here. Vice Principal Vernon swaggered in the room followed by Owen Jackson.

"Before you say anything I was in bathroom." Owen gave a smile towards January and sat back into the seat that had his stuff. Owen was also a close friend of hers surprisingly. They've known each other since grade school and he has been dating January since middle.

Mr. Vernon rolled his eyes and began talking. "Well, Well. Here we are. I want to congratulate you for being on time" His eyes landed on dolly, making it obvious he was taking a jab at her tardiness. She fought her hardest to not roll her eyes and gave a small smile. 'The least I could do is try to be respectful, right?' she thought.

"Excuse me, sir?" Claire raised her hand, "I think there's been a mistake. I know it's detention but I don't think belong here."

"It is now 7:06. You have exactly eight hours and 54 minutes to think about why you are here. Ponder the error of your ways." He brushed the red head off. John Bender spat in the air and caught it. "What the.." Dolly made a face.

"You may not talk. You may not move from these seats. And you will not sleep." He pointed out the rules he had for detention pulling the chair from under bender's legs before continuing, "All right, people, we're going to try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay of no less than 1000 words describing to me who you think you are."

Vernon sat a pencil and paper in front of both the girls. January moved the supplies he gave her from in front of her. She already decided not to do it. "Is this a test?" Bender questioned sarcastically. "And when I say essay, I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated 1000 times. Is that clear, Mr.Bender?"


"Good. Maybe you'll learn something about yourself. Maybe you'll even decide whether or not you care to return." Vernon said. Everyone watched as Brian stood up. Especially Dolly gaining a nudge from January who had a smirk on her face.

"Uh.. I can answer that right now, sir. That'd be a 'no' for me, cause.."

Dolly really thought the boy was cute.

"Sit down, Johnson." Vernon said. "Thank you, sir." Brian complied. "My office is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill-advised. Any questions?"

"Yes, sir. Am I being graded on this?" She raised her hand and questioned. "No, he never grades anything" Owen answered.  "That doesn't make any less important, young lady" Vernon said. Dolly nodded. She was still debating if she was gonna take time writing an essay that wasn't even going to get graded. "Any other questions?"

"Yeah. I got a question too. Does Barry Manilow know that you raided his wardrobe?" Bender poked at him. Some of the kids hid a smile.

"I'll give you the answer to that question, Mr. Bender, next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull, young man, you'll get the horns" Vernon replied. "That man is a brownie hound" Bender announced as Vernon was walking away.

'This is going to be a long day' Dolly thought.


First chapter donee! 1000 words for Vernon. How was it?

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