chapter 15 - i won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway

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It had been exactly two weeks since Nini moved out. She missed everything about her home. Her kitchen, her little reading nook where she wrote most of her songs and articles, and she missed Joel terribly. She saw him only on the weekends now. He seemed a little confused with their arrangement, but was understanding and patient.

It was decided that Bob would go with her so at least she had her trusty pal with her. She'd managed to rent out an apartment in Bushwick for a decent amount, and it would do for the time being. She could only hope that it wouldn't last for very long. (She could only hope that it wouldn't last forever.)

Her friends have been very kind, making sure she's well fed and settled in her new place. She was sure that without them she wouldn't have made it through the past few months. And for the first time in a while, she didn't feel so lost. Sure she missed Ricky, because of course she did! She missed him more than anything. She would do whatever she needed to do to get back to where they used to be. But if it didn't work out, she felt prepared to face the consequences. She would be crushed, broken maybe, but not beyond repair. She knew that she needed to keep fighting for Joel's sake.


"You've got to figure it out, man." Red said frustratedly, "It's not fair to leave her hanging."

His best friend payed him a visit and they both just sat on the patio, talking over 2 bottles of beer. Joel was having a sleepover with a school friend, so Ricky could have some much needed bro-time.

"I know. And I thought I did, but the moment I saw all that stuff he sent her, it all came back to me."

"Have you listened ?" Red asked curiously.

"To what?" Ricky was genuinely confused.

"The album."

Ricky almost choked on his beer. There is no way that he would listen to Grayson's music after what happened.

Red cackled mischievously. "I guess that's a no..."

"It's not funny, Red. This is the guy who ruined everything."

"But does everything have to be ruined, Richard?" Red asked, "You remember in high school, whenever Nini walked the hallways, all the jocks and nerds and anyone who happened to be there would just stop what they're doing to look at her?"

"Oh I remember... I'd always wondered why she still chose to hung out with the skaterats. Then I realized, she doesn't know. She is so unaware of her own beauty, and according to the famous 1D song... that's what makes her beautiful."

"You still think of her that way?"

"Are you kidding me? That's what got us into this mess in the first place.." Ricky sipped his drink. "Did I tell you I punched a guy because he didn't agree with me?"

"So you still love her?"

"Yes. Our issues are never about love."

"Then why?" Red asked incredulously, "Why prolong this torture for both of you?"

"Because I think maybe subconsciously she wishes for someone better than me." Ricky sighed.

"This is an ancient Rini problem." Red said, "This is always the problem... Look Ricky, just like high school, everyone has eyes for her but she only ever saw you. For the past 14 years, she's only ever wanted you."

"Have you seen her singing with that greek god?!" Ricky asked weakly. "They're perfect."

"Really? You think some sleazebag like Greyson, who would hit on a married woman? Who would keep pining for her even after she's made it clear she wants no more to do with him.." Red shook his head. "I don't get you. Somehow you think that guy is better for her than you are? I get that you think no one's good enough for her. That's how I feel about Ashlyn. But doesn't that make you want to be the best man for her? Shouldn't you want to fight for her more?"

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