chapter 14 - the day you gave me your heart, i was still falling apart

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[title is from Emily King's song "Georgia"]

Nini paced back and forth in the living room. She was nervous. Ricky was coming home, and she wanted to make everything perfect. She had thought about this moment all week. What she would wear, what she would make for dinner, how she would greet him. Would they hug? shake hands? She just wanted everything to go right without being over the top. She didn't want to push him away.

"Mommy, stop moving around! You're making me dizzy." Joel was sitting on the couch and petting Bob's head.

"Sorry, bud." Nini stopped, "I guess I'm just excited to see your dad."

The front door opened, right on cue, and in comes Ricky fresh from the intercontinental flight. His curls were messy, his face unshaved and they way he walked was just so... Ricky. Nini did not think that she paid attention to how people walked and that it would be something she missed at all, but clearly Ricky's a special case. She knew every little detail about him. He looked absolutely perfect except for the general tiredness that he seems to be coming in with. She guessed that he'd probably had some sleepless nights this past week.

"Hi guys." He said cautiously, "I'm home."

"Daddy!" Joel immediately ran to him and Ricky picked up his not-so-little boy.

"Hey, kid. I missed you sooo much." He proceeded to attack the boy with hugs and kisses.

Nini took a deep breath and slowly walked towards her two boys. They were everything.

"Hey you." Nini said when Ricky and Joel had finally finished their greetings.

"Hi." Ricky smiled ever so slightly and put
Joel down. "You look beautiful."

Nini was wearing a baby blue sundress with the lightest floral pattern. Her hair was in a simple pony tail, she was in mom mode after all. She wasn't wearing any make up, but her skin had this natural glow. She's so pretty, he was getting palpitations just looking at her. He'd been away for so long and he just missed this view. They stood there for a while just taking in each other.

"Come here." Ricky said ever so softly and Nini immediately walked into his arms. Ricky inhaled the smell that was home. He was meant to hold her this way forever. Nini hugged him so tight he could barely breathe, but he didn't move. He knew the feeling all too well, she was just trying to hold on to him because they'd been apart for so long and they could've lost each other. He swore he could even feel her tearing up a little bit by the way her body was slightly shaking.

It was Joel's tiny little body that managed to squeeze between the two of them that finally broke them apart. "Come on lovebirds! I'm hungry!"

Ricky and Nini both laughed at their grumpy little boy.

"When did he get so snarky?" Ricky said taking her hand.

Nini was pleasantly surprised by the gesture but didn't let it show. "He's just a little hangry."


They ate their dinner accompanied by entertainment from Joel. Nini was glad she made Ricky's favorite lasagna, because she could tell he genuinely enjoyed it and appreciates the effort.

Things seem to be going well and Nini was looking forward to having some alone time with Ricky so they could talk it out. She'd just sent Joel to his room to play for a bit and started to clean up with Ricky when they heard a knock on their door. Nini figured it was probably just Red dropping by to say hello to Ricky, but when she opened the door there was no one. 

"Who is it?" Ricky asked.

"I don't know there's no one here." Nini looked down to find a bouquet of red roses (her favorite), and ... Greyson's brand new album. Of course, it's album release day. Nini scoffed, she couldn't believe the audacity-

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