Chapter 8 ~ is this a date? ~

Start from the beginning

"does everything have to make sense for you Thana? ok look, how about this? I want to sleep with you, I want to have sex with you, I want to fuck you until you can't remember what day of the week it is, now do you understand?"  Nate said, his big romantic seduction routine out the window, that plan had gone to the dogs when Thana had insisted on paying for his own meal.

Since he'd started stroking Thana's arms, all he could think about was caressing the rest of him, he wanted to strip him naked and lay  him down on the nearest available surface then touch and taste his body.

Thana's face had gone white, he was immobile just staring at Nate as if he had lost his mind, it was a classic 'what the fuck' moment. Thana didn't know what to say or do, his brain had frozen though after a while he found his voice,

"I'm sorry, did I just hear you correctly?" he asked Nate.

"yes" short and simple.

"and what am I supposed to say?" Thana replied.

"say yes, say kiss me, say let's go to bed" Nate spoke softly.

"no, I'm sorry Nate, we can't do that, we are partner's, we are ....   look I've never even dated anyone let alone slept with someone. I can't even say I'm waiting for a someone special because I don't have time to look for a special person. I don't know anything about relationships, I know nothing about sex, all I know is work. I eat, sleep and breath work" Nate ran out of words.

"then let me teach you" Nate suggested.

"do you like me or something?, are you in love with me?" Thana asked.

"I am deeply attracted to you yes" Nate said deciding honesty was the best policy with Thana.

"but what about our work?" Thana said.

"what about it, many other acts in the circus are married with kid's"

"but I'm only temporary until your partner Win get's better, then I'll be leaving" Thana replied.

Nate didn't want to talk about Thana leaving, he didn't want to think about that. He just wanted Thana beneath him, calling out his name.

"this is crazy Nate, I think you had too much to drink over dinner, I'm going to bed and I'll pretend this conversation never happened" Thana said then began to walk away.

Nate pulled him back and grabbed him by his upper arms again, this time more firmly.

"do you really think you can ignore this thing that is happening between us, I know you can feel it too" Nate said before grabbing Thana's chin with one hand and supporting the back of his head with the other then crushing Thana's lips with his own.

Nate moved his lips across Thana's, he could tell that the other was inexperienced. He was surprised that someone as beautiful as Thana had never been kissed but he was also extremely happy.

He slowly walked them both across the room until Thana's back hit a wall, the action making him gasp which allowed Nate to take access of his mouth. His tongue swirling and tasting, his teeth nipping and his lips tugging at Thana's lips.

🔞 ~ mature scene ahead ~ 🔞

Thana had never experienced anything like this, his breathing became faster, his body shaking. He felt weird, his lower stomach tingling, his member felt painful and hard. Nate pushed his thighs against Thana's and felt his erection. His own member throbbing through the fabric of their shorts.

Nate took his hand from Thana's chin and moved it downwards until he found the hem of Thana's vest then he slid his hand slowly upwards again, feeling and caressing as his finger's travelled towards the tiny peaks.

He rotated his thighs, dry humping Thana against the wall, this guy made him feel like a teenager who couldn't control his desire.

Thana was making the most exquisite little groaning noises which were arousing Nate even more. He let go of the back of his head to move his other hand down to cup Thana's bottom, pulling him closer as he continued eating his mouth and grinding against him.

Thana felt all tingly as if something was building up inside him. Nate was holding him so tightly, he couldn't move away. He felt a little bit scared, these feelings were alien to him and he didn't know how to deal with them. He craved something but he didn't know what, every time Nate ground his hips against him, it made him feel weird and he wanted to get even closer.

Suddenly without warning Thana groaned and gasped for air as he felt something hot gushing into his shorts. He'd had wet dreams before so he knew what it was but he'd always been asleep at the time so he had never fully experienced an orgasm. This time he was wide awake and with another person, he was mortified.

Nate felt Thana explode into an orgasm and he followed quickly behind all the while kissing and nipping at his beautiful lips. Nate gasped for air and put his forehead against Thana's. Soon he would carry him to the bedroom and they would make love properly, they would spend all night discovering one another and then  ...

🔞 ~ end of mature scene ~ 🔞

Thana pushed Nate away from him and ran to the bathroom then he stood in front of the mirror looking at his reflection. He was disgusted in himself that he had done that in front of another person, that he had allowed Nate to kiss him in the first place.

He had never kissed anyone before in his whole life, he was shaking like a leaf and didn't know what to do.


"Thana open the door" Nate shouted.

"please, leave me alone" Thana called back.

"open the door damn it!"

"I'm taking another shower"

"ok, then we're going to talk" Nate replied.

Nate went to the bedroom and stripped off his shorts, cleaned himself with tissues then put on clean shorts. Why had Thana run away like that? why did he look so embarrassed? surely he's touched himself before, it wasn't something to get so upset over?

They were going to have a serious talk when he decided to venture out of the bathroom again, in the meantime, Nate thought about his own reactions. Was it possible he was really in love with the guy? 


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