Chapter 8 ~ is this a date? ~

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Nate drove them both to a little restaurant he knew, it was the perfect setting for a prelude to his seduction and it had never let him down in the past. The atmosphere was romantic and the food was amazing, even the coldest of hearts could be melted and Nate had every confidence in his techniques.

When they arrived, a waiter showed them to the garden where they had their pick of where to sit because not many people had arrived yet but Nate knew from experience it would soon be full.

It looked so pretty and inviting but Thana wondered why they had come to dinner somewhere like this, it looked the kind of place where you would go with a date. They lingered over their meal talking about their act, the kind of food they liked, movies, music and other random topics but Nate noticed that Thana would not talk about personal issues.

Nate asked him about his family and if they were supportive to which Thana had replied, yes and changed the subject, he understood that he valued his privacy but why did he seem so secretive?

The meal was wonderful just as Nate expected it would be and when the cheque came, even though Nate kept insisting, Thana made sure to place cash on the plate covering the food that he had eaten.

"I wanted to treat you Thana" Nate said.

"thank you, I appreciate the thought but I prefer to pay for myself" Thana said.

"are we heading back now?" he continued.

"I thought we could take a stroll and walk off some calories" Nate said.

"it's getting late though Nate, shouldn't we start heading back" Thana asked.

"we could always sleep over at the apartment" Nate said.

 "we were only supposed to be taking a couple of hours break but it's been all afternoon and night Nate" Thana observed.

"when we start the act we won't be able to take any time, I just thought it would be nice and a great way of getting to know each other better" Nate replied.

Thana could understand his reasoning but he didn't usually get close to people beyond working relationships still, they both took a stroll by the river and Thana felt that Nate was acting strange as if he had something on his mind.

They stopped by a vendor and bought ice cream and walked a little more then decided to head back to Nate's apartment. When they got back they slipped off their shoes and Thana went to take another shower then helped himself to some shorts and a vest from Nate's closet.

Nate showered afterwards and then went looking for Thana whom he found sitting in the lounge.

"what are you doing in here Thana?" Nate asked him.

"I didn't know if you had a spare room" Thana asked.

Nate thought this was a bit of an opportunity so he walked over to Thana and placed his hands on Thana's shoulders then looking directly into his eyes he replied,

"I want you to sleep with me Thana, I want to sleep with you" he said slowly stroking up and down Thana's arms.

"ok then, come on, let's go" Thana said misunderstanding.

"Thana, I don't think you are understanding me correctly" Nate continued.

Thana looked bewildered and replied,

"I do, you want me to sleep in the same bed as you, it makes sense I guess, less work to do in the morning"

Nate shook his head and laughed gently,

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