Chapter 41 - The Note

Comenzar desde el principio

"The one your mom knows?" They asked and B nodded. "But didn't he-"

The truck started to slow, drawing the Capturers' attention. They both climbed up to look towards the front and saw the look of a broken gate ahead of them. But when they both looked around some more, they were also on a super long bridge. It had a couple of ransacked vehicles and debris strewn across but the large river that separated the city into two was now just under them. And up ahead was the large abandoned-looking island.

The cousins immediately became nervous. So did the rest of the team.

"Are we here?"

B looked down to meet (Y/N)'s eyes who started to climb up with them. She soon saw the island too. Her question being answered.

"You think they noticed us coming?" Tyr muttered.

The trucks weren't by all means silent but they weren't ridiculously loud either. And it was only four of them but the island should have been able to see them coming.

Once Capturers began exiting the trucks, B and Tyr soon followed but (Y/N) stayed where she was. She watched the Capturers stand around the second truck in line while she could see the Chief and two other Capturers approach the gate.

(Y/N) started to feel nervous as well. She lowered down a bit to stay out of sight.

"The hell is this?" Someone shouted.

Everyone looked up to the top of the gate to see someone standing there looking down at them all. It was an older man who held a gun similar to the Zones but just a bit more ragged.

The Capturers must have noticed the gun as some went to lift up theirs but the Chief held his hand out to hold fire.

"I suggest you Ground dwellers get to stepping right now before we have a problem!" The man yelled down to them.

"Not until we have a chat. Put some differences to the side for an equal cause." Jules called up.

"We have a lot more than differences." The man threw his gun over his shoulder as he started to pace back and forth along the gate. "Now like I said, turn your trucks around and go before we start to have some more differences!"

(Y/N) squinted her eyes against the summer sun and looked at the man closely. He wore a tank that showed off scars on his dark arms but a heavy pair of pants with the tail of a demon attached to the back. The majority of his face was covered in a mask that... obviously came from a large demon. A chill ran down her spine at the thought of wearing that.

But then (Y/N) saw another person from the small team begin to approach the gate. Her eyes widened when she saw it was (O/N).

B began to look tenser as she watched her mother approach the gate.

"May I speak to Miri or Fate, please?" The older woman called up. The Chief carefully moved an arm in front of his wife in case he needed to pull her back. But at the mention of the names, the man up top stopped. They couldn't see his face but he spent a couple of seconds staring down at the woman.

The Outsider's grip on the gun tightened. "Who are you?"

"My name is (O/N). I stumbled across your people many years ago." The Head Keeper spoke. Her she rest her arms behind her back as her tone was just a bit uncomfortable. "I was the Ground dweller traveling with two demons if that helps."

The Outsider looked like he was studying her. The silence was very telling. He then turned back and started talking to someone on the other side of the gate before he looked back at the Zone as he started to leave.

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