Chapter 10:

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(It was night time)
(Loki and bucky were going back in their universe)

We were all laughing having wings.

Hawks: gosh this is the best it's like a buffa of beautiful chicken wings ugh so good.

Me:(laughs) oh my gosh but you are a chicken.

Hawks: don't ever say that again, I am not a chicken I am a Hawk.

Me: okay okay whatever you say..... chicken. (Smirks) ( starts laughing)

Hawks: why you little! (Starts tickling you)

Me: ahhh stop . That.. tickles hahaha!

Everyone else laughs

It was maybe almost midnight.

Voice: I will next explain any of them you will choose, once the choice is made you can't go back. Here are your choices:

Element manipulation


Life giver

Natural born fighter

Me: okay um....

Dabi: what's up Jess?

Hawks: did the voice talk to you again?

Me: yeah

Voice: you can't tell what you will choose but you can talk to them about the choices.

Me: I can't tell you about what choice I will make but I can talk to you guys about it the voice said.

Hawks: okay what are the choices?

Everyone sits down on the ground.

Me: well first of I don't know what they do or what there disadvantages are so I have to think on it hard and I only have one day so those are the choices:
Element manipulation
Life giver
Natural born fighter

Hawks: hey maybe Phoenix means you can fly, I'd love to teach you if you choose that.

Me: yeah but we really don't know if I can fly or not.

Toumra: well from what I can see either you become a fighter that can do anything most likely without fail. A life giver could mean you give life but I think the disadvantage could be that you probably feel the pain after or maybe get the scare. Ummm element sounds like you get fire water air and ground,vidk what the disadvantage would be but I agree with Hawks I think you can fly if you choose phoenix.

Shooto: if that really is what element is then I can teach you fire!

Dabi: No I would be the one to do that!

Shooto: No I would!

Dabi: no I wo-

Me: Boys! Boys stop you can both teach me if I choose it. Anyway Id love to help people but I do want to be strong. So I just won't choose-

Dabi: wait don't say anything Jessica don't tell us anything if your rolling out anything. Otherwise they could take a choice away from you.

Voice: he's right and smart.

Me: your right okay well... I am going to think about it some more okay....

Voice: No I am tired of waiting for you choose now before your qurikless!

Me: what you said I can have one day to pick one.

Voice: I changed my mind.

Me: okay well...

Toumra: wait why am I glowing..

Dabi: yeah me too!

Bakugo:Hawks! Wait ahhh why am I glowing!?

Shooto: what's happening!!!

Me: wait wait don't kill them I will choose.

Voice: they still can't know your qurik and I am sending them back you will be with them once you make your decision.

Me: guys it's okay it's sending you guys back I will see you guys in a minute.

(Then they were gone)

Voice: know that you won't remember what you choose you will have to learn to control it it will grow within a month even you won't remember that either, now choose!

Me: I choose....


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