Chapter 4:

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You sat for a hour , you decide to take a nap, until everyone started coming out of the kitchen, death glares looking at you.

You looked down in shame and afraid of looking at everyone.

They sat down Infront of you some were standing. They waited for you to say something but before you had to for could get something out of you, Dabi spoke.

Dabi: she told me she doesn't know how to get use back but as we know how we got here that's all she knows, now can we untie her so I can have my fun.

Bakugo: honestly we should just kill her.

Dabi: wow I really thought heros weren't so post to kill, you are obviously not acting like one.

Shooto: Yeah, what the heck bakugo, were better then the villains-

Dabi: so you think your better then us, huh.

Bakugo: I am just saying, maybe we can get back to our place if we kill her. She was the thing that got us here, maybe if we kill her it could send us back to where we came from. You know?

Tomura: and if we do kill her and it doesn't work what then?

Bakugo: well that's one less mouth to fill.

Me: Hey! Wow I can't believe I actually liked you and thought you were hot!

Shooto: well that wasn't nice, what what?-

Bakugo and we should get ride of those children too. Wait you thought I was hot?-

Harry and draco: Hey! Don't get ride of us!

Dabi: Yeah I vote on getting rid of the kids too. But not princess. Me t just yet. (Smirks at Jessica)

Me: stop calling me princess, Dabi!

Dabi: make me.. Princess (smirks)

Bakugo: just saying y'all are so ANNOYING! But really Jessica, you thought I was hot or am I still hot to you?

Me: haha in your dreams big boy! I liked you before, but since you're deaf, and have to yell all the time and always have angerment issues, I'd rather not with you. So fine go ahead do it, kill me. I am sick of listening to you to your annoying ass anyways. Cocky basterd.

Bakugo: tich, okay if you say so bitch(smirks) (flies over to me fast)

Dabi: (punches bakugo and knocks him out) No one is killing, were going to find a different way alright!

Hawks: huh look at the villan being a the hero all of a sudden.

Dabi: Hey Big bird I'd think twice before talking about who is a villan or a hero, your clearly not a hero at all (looks at me) if I untie you will you listen to me and do as I say.

Hawks: (pissed off look at dabi)

Me: yes...but why did you save me, did you really mean what you said earlier is that why?-

Dabi: don't get so coky with me, I want to get out of this place, that's all, I don't care about you, never did. Anyway, I am counting on you to follow my every order, you go that!

Me:(rolls my eyes) yes daddy.

Shooto: what did she just say?

Dabi: did you just roll your eyes at me?

Shooto: really are we not going to talk about the fact that she just called you that-

Me: (smirks) what you didn't tell me I couldn't roll my eyes-


Me:oooo (thinking: what the shit!)

Dabi: (looked super pissed off) Don't disrespect me again! GOT THAT PRINCESS!

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