chapter 1:

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It was dark I couldn't see anything, but I could only hear breathing. I then hear a boy or a man speaking

Boy 1 ouch blood hell, where am I?

Boy 2: hey don't touch me who ever you are?! We're the lights I can't see. Wait Harry?

Boy 1: Malfoy? What the we're are we?!!

Boy 3: Hey kids, I am trying to sleep- what the- Ki's? And wait-  why is it so dark and who are you guys the two boys I just heard?

Boy 1: I'm Harry, Harry Potter.

Boy 2: I am Draco, Draco Malfoy. And you?

Boy 3: Names Four but my real name is Tobias Eden.

Boy 2: how strange, your name is like the number 4 way is that-

Harry: Draco, don't be rude, leave it be. Lumos.

(Light coming from Harry's  wand)

Four: wait, how did you do that Harry?

Draco: Lumos. (Light to his wand) were wizards you idiot.

Harry: Draco stopped being so rude!!!

Draco: shut up Potter, I can do whatever I please!

Harry: I don't care, we don't even know we're we ever are yet your going to just ruin a small nice conversation with a stranger we're trying to get to know-

Four: you boys don't ever stop fighting do you?

Draco: That's it I have had it will you!!

Boy 4: Four?! Where are we and here are you?

Four: oh shit, I'm not here it's only you imagine, I promise you Eric.

Eric: shut up Four I know you're there you big idiot!

Four: ( laughs) so you plan on killing me right now?

Eric: not until I find out where we are.

Draco: and I thought me and Harry were bad.

(Harry and draco laugh)

Four: shut up.

Boy 5: what a bunch of A holes.

Eric: huh? Who are you?

Boy 5: what a silly question, you humans are so mindless.

Four: he was only asking what your name was it's a hard question to answer, Mr. Tough wanna be?

Boy 5: what did you just say??

Four: you heard me!

Boy 6: wait Loki, what the hell?! You let you out?

Boy 5: oh come one I was trying to not tell my name in front of these imbeciles! Why did you have to say my name!

Boy 5: Because I can do what I want.

Loki: ugh I hate all you humans!

Eric: what's your name with the metal arm?

Boy 5: names Bucky, Bucky Barnes-

Draco: Bucky hahaha Bucky Barnes hahaha where does that come from a barn hahahaha!?


Bucky: shut the hell up you stupid boy!!

Harry: dude I think you knocked draco out hahaha! I have wanted to see that for so long hahaha!

Boy 7: ah my head, hey who are you guys and what's with the lights on those sticks and why is it so dark??

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