"Escort them to my office. I will listen to them there," he ordered. "The rest of you see to our guests. Let them know everything is fine."

The plump Man led them through the door and down a hall and into another room that was much smaller and taken up by bookshelves and a desk. It was a tight fit with so many in the room but somehow, they made it work. The Master took a seat at his desk, and then gazed at them all with a look that said he had no idea what to make of them.

"So, you say you are... Torin?" the Master asked slowly.

"Thorin," the king corrected as he stood across the table from him. Somehow, he was managing to look down at the Man even with the difference in height. "I am Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain. I have returned to reclaim my city and get rid of Smaug once and for all."

The Man simply kept staring. "Oh. Is... Is that so?"

"We have come to ask for your permission to stay in your town for a few days," added Balin, his tone gentle and calm. "We are tired from our long walk and would like to prepare before we leave again."

"Oh, of course. We would be happy to... help," the Master replied, blinking and looking around at all the Dwarves that had gathered. When his eyes landed on Bilbo, he stopped and stared again.

"You... You are not a Dwarf," he realized, his watery blue eyes scanning the Hobbit from head to toe.

Bilbo shook his head and pushed back his bangs so he could see more clearly. "No, I'm not. I'm a Hobbit from the west, and my name is Bilbo Baggins."

"A Hobbit?" the Man repeated, blinking rapidly. "What are you doing here with a bunch of Dwarves?"

He gave a one-shoulder shrug. "Trying to keep them alive."

From a dark corner of the room—because no one appreciated a cliché like Dwarves did—Nori scoffed loudly. "More like us trying to keep you alive."

In response, Bilbo made a rude gesture at him behind his back.

"Right." The Master didn't look any less confused as he ran a hand through his thinning red hair. "For lodgings I can get you a private house to stay in. For supplies I can recommend several fine merchants to visit. Does this sound fair?"

"It does. And what will this all cost?" Thorin asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well, what do you have?" the Master returned.

Calmly, the Dwarf reached into one of his many pockets and pulled out a gold necklace with a ruby at the end. The Master's eyes lit up at the sight of it and his mouth fell open slightly.

"Will this do?" the king asked, tossing the necklace onto the table.

The Man quickly scooped it up while nodding. "Y-Yes, this will do nicely. I will have my Man escort you and your companions to your lodgings."

Thorin tipped his head forward slightly in gratitude. "Thank you."

"B-But w-we also must discuss your plan to confront S-Smaug," the Master added quickly. "Tomorrow, will you return here to explain it in greater detail?"

The Dwarf stared at him for a long moment with hooded eyes. The look reminded Bilbo of a sleepy wolf that had just been rudely awoken by a bumbling elk.

"Very well," the king finally drawled, tilting his head to the side. "I will return here at noon tomorrow. Is that satisfactory?"

The Master nodded quickly, his face pale and his watery eyes large. "O-Of course! W-Whatever you l-like, my good sir."

A Shot in the Dark (Thilbo - Bagginshield)Where stories live. Discover now