She pins down my saber to the floor and summons blades of light above me, she sends them down fast

I use force stasis to slow the blades as I jump back onto the wall behind me

I launch off it towards sumire, but she blocks it

(Y/n): you underestimate me too much

I twist my body and kick her in the side of the head, launching her, but not before she grabs my leg, bringing me with her

She lands, still holding me, where she slams me into the ground, I hear a couple of my ribs crack on the impact

Sumire: what's wrong, can't keep up with the empress~ (giggles)

I slowly get up, but something inside me is is telling me something but I don't know what,

As if I wasn't controlling my body, I raise my hand towards her,

Then, somehow I fire a beam of chaos energy at her, how the hell can I do that, last time I checked only baelz can do that

My stunt caught her off guard, as at the last second she makes a ball of light in her off hand and intercepts the beam, making it split in multiple different angles

Sumire: oh, that's new~ didint expect this from you~

She then points the ball of light in to the air, firing multiple beams that zig zag all over the sky above us, then the beams come towards be like heat seeking missiles

I dodge out of the ways of the beams, but, as I distracted, sumire dashed at the speed of light and spin kicked me in to the wall, crashing next to a civilian

I look up and see said civilian and spoke in a jokingly but in pain tone

(Y/n): h-hey. H-How had you've been? Heh....hey I think you should get out of here for the time being

In shock, he quickly runs off, well, he's safe now

I steep it if the crater in the wall and go towards sumire

Sumire: you just don't know when to quit huh!

She starts to move at light speed, flashing all around me

(Pretend the afterimages are beams of light, kinda like the flash or kizaru from one piece)

I Watch all round, seeing flashes of light all around me going crazy fast, using instinct to block her scythe attacks, which worked only half the time

I was terribly cut up, bleed everywhere, I don't even know how I'm still standing, this can't be just adrenaline

As she keeps flashing around me, something clicks...


...I can finally see her! it's like I'm seeing the same way she does, all her movements looks slower, and easier to reach too

(Y/n): now! I got you?

I catch her by the leg


I slam her down on the pavement, causing a crater to appear,

Sumire: wow~, you adapt fast~, maybe we were wrong about your strength...

I grab her by the leg again and start to slam her over and over again

(The screaming is there too, unless you don't want it for some reason)

I grab her by the head and slide her across the wall, then I throw her across the street, leaving her sliding on the ground to a halt

I blitz behind where she stop and pick her up by the neck

Sumire: urgh, h-heh, interesting, your way stronger than we thought, t-this is new information for eofte, now I got to tell them

She says that like she can't die, like she not in danger at all, what ever

I toss her up in the air and force jump to her

I activate shatterpoint, The cracked eye pattern returning to my eyes

(Y/n): Shatterpoint!

As I see the weak spot on her chest, I use force Lightning and as much chaos energy I can control on my fist and strike her there

She giggles a bit as she explodes into dust

I land on the ground as the dust falls...

((Y/n) standing in the ground as dust falls sound like a fire ass pic)


That felt to easy, like she's not gone, but I'm not feeling any presence here, hmm, well there is nothing to do about it now

I got to tell the others about this

I jump up to the roof and roof jump my way back towards the hololive building.

How was the fight scene, I though it was fire, I like to make my fight "gruesome", like the fight with Mumei and the bandits in the beginning, but it's hard to balance that type of stuff out, anyway, did y'all like sumire? She is completely made by me, but I don't want to get to attached to her lol. Bye bye

One with the Force (Holocouncil x Male Force Sensitive Reader)Where stories live. Discover now