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(I'm going for a different format this time around)

Title- Home...?
Name- Y/n
Level- Expert Witch

    I sighed as I walked into the messy yet empty house, it's simply a dying remembrance of what our family used to be before the incident. My parents are either at work, or out drinking in some bar somewhere. I walked upstairs to my room and kicked off my shoes. As I got done putting my stuff away my stomach rumbled, hungry for some food. I made my way down the stairs and checked the fridge, a ketchup bottle, ten-pack of beer.. nothing to eat. I grabbed some cereal from a cabinet and poured it into a cup before going back upstairs. I sat at my desk and grabbed a book, deciding to kill time before I have to go to sleep. The sky shifts from its baby blue coloring to a dusk rainbow, as time passes while I read my book. I can't help but get caught up in the story until my bedtime alarm goes off, it's already nine'o clock as I get up and go get ready for bed. I never heard the car pull up to the driveway, or drunken stumbling steps up the stairs. I suppose they must be staying out even later than I expected, oh well. It's not like they do anything around here.

    I manage to fall asleep within thirty minutes, a new record for me. As I drift off in a slumber I can't help but feel that this isn't a dream, all dreams have meaning or atleast are supposed to. This one felt different, like a premonition or a fore-telling dream. It was a field of buttercups, they used to be my favorite flower I noticed I wasn't myself, more of a invisible bystander watching myself and a blurred out person make flower crowns. It was peaceful, serene and beautiful though it wasn't real. Soon enough I bounced dreams, it changed to some weird thing I can't remember even if I tried. I heard the ear-piercing sound of my alarm, as I groggily woke up to turn it off.. pure silence in my house, usually my father would be passed out drunk on the couch with some random sports game on but I didn't hear the announcers.. then my mom would be snoring from her bedroom she was always a heavy sleeper even before the incident but I heard nothing. I heard nothing, it was odd. I didn't like it, not one bit. It was the only reoccurring thing that happened in my life now, and without that stability I feel off. I snapped out of my sad state and dragged myself out of bed and to my closet to get dressed, afterwards I do all my regular morning things and grab my backpack to set off for school. The sky was a canvas of oranges, pinks and yellows but it just looked like a nuclear bomb went off to me, I never understood the hype about sun rises nor sun sets I thought it was odd to watch a celestial being such as the Sun rise and set, that thing is probably gonna explode in five hundred years or less and destroy our world as we know it, but no one now will be alive then so we just carry on with our daily lives. I got to school and it went by in a blur, though being around Kris made my heart pound and I couldn't understand why. I couldn't understand why my face got hot, or why my hands got clammy or even why my heart pounded against my rib cage and echoed in my ears. I blamed it on some foreign hex I didn't know yet, as I walked out of the school and back home. I fiddles with the hem of my top, a habit I have when I space out. Home is where the heart is, so you don't really have one when you're heart isn't in your living arrangements, you should be grateful for your house, for the comfort is provides but for me while I am grateful for it I can't help but feel it does provide comfort. Just an overwhelming desire to make any living thing sad within it. Have you ever noticed how some people call their living arrangements home or house, usually they don't think about quotes like home is where the heart is but whenever I address my living quarters it's always as House and never Home because my heart isn't within that place but when I'm near Kris or in the dark world at my home I feel the comfort a house should provide.. I can't help but feel as if I'm a bit empty when I'm in the light world unless I'm around them. God, I really need to stop thinking about them.

    I entered my abode and went to my room, content at the week that has happened and thank the gods above that it's Friday as I lie down sprawled out on my bed.

  "Maybe I don't have to stop thinking about them."

Chapter complete.

Sorry for not updating, I've just been having severe amounts of writers block. I know this chapter probably sucks but thanks for reading this far, see you later cool kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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