So that's a no to a redemption arc then?

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Y'know maybe I don't just hate the lightners
I'm pretty sure you only hate us
Kris signs
Maybe I hate everyone.
TW maybe swears?
~{nobody's pov}~
The door slammed in the heros face as they stare upon the cottage hearing angry mumblings from behind the door, most likely hexes and curses but they'll deal with that a separate time "Soo are we attempting to redeem her or not?" Susie ask as the two just give confused looks not knowing if they will attempt that. The trio stands outside your house waiting for you to come out to spook them off just so they can force redemption onto you. When you come out of your cottage you start throwing mushrooms at them "Leave already can't you see I don't want to be redeemed" You yell while throwing mushrooms "That's how Susie was, don't worry you will be redeemed soon enough" Ralsei reasons a mushroom landing on his snout as he falls down If you really hated us we'd be in a battle right now Kris signs while dodging the mushrooms and Susie nods agreeing.
"Well maybe I don't want to battle, I find battling a waste of energy and unreasonable you can always just walk past or in battle terms flee. And I have more important things to do then battling" You state still throwing mushrooms at the trio like throwing mushrooms at us? Kris points out, you suddenly stop throwing mushrooms realization hitting you like a deadly abomination, your cheeks flush red from embarrassment as you slam your door "I DONT WANT TO BE REDEEMED JUST LEAVE MY LAND" you yell clearly not wanting to deal with them any further.

~{back in the light world}~

Kris and Susie had to go back home and make a plan while Ralsei was set on making sure you didn't cause any mayhem now knowing where the witch was located.

"So, why don't we break into her house grab her and force her into the castle to interrogate her." Susie says
"Basically kidnap-"
"Yeah we're not kidnapping a witch Susie" Kris mumbles
"Why not?" Susie asks
"Because she'll probably never agree to a redemption then" Kris reasons as they throw rocks into the lake watching them skip before gravity pulls them down and makes them di- sink.
"Then I don't have any ideas besides kidnapping"
"Well its quite obvious the witch is [name] so why don't we ask around town for her interests and bribe her?" Kris says before Susie yells
And Kris only nods
"I thought you knew that"
And Susie only shakes her head
"Well it seems she likes mushrooms considering her endless stock while throwing them at us" Susie begins thinking
"So potion ingredients in the light world and dark world" Kris starts making a list in their head planning to go to their dad's flower shop and asking if he has any.

You were no where to be seen at school, considering the teacher didn't ask you probably planned this so you could stay in the dark world for a while like Ralsei said. Kris and Susie made up some wild excuse and snuck to the dark world meeting up with Ralsei to go to the cottage. They attracted a lot of monsters on the way probably one of your hexes.

~{at your house}~
You were brewing a potion to spy on the lightners all you had to do is make sure it gets on a piece of their clothes and bing-bang-boom you got your spying potion "I bring forth, and command the all see-" You chanting before cut off from something hitting the window upstairs, you went up and opened the door only to see the wretched lightners at on your yard. "What do you want, I'm busy" you asked "Busy with what?" Ralsei asks curiously as you start to slowly shut your door by nano-inches every minute "Doing witchy wonders, what do you want" you asked again this time a bit more demanding "don't tell me it's that sad redemption crap" you said harshly "Actually it's something else we thought you might need some herbs for potions so we gathered some for you" Ralsei had said offering you a bag "So you want your demise to come sooner, great thank you" You said sarcastically, you took the bag placing it somewhere most likely casting a spell on it so it goes to the cauldron room "Is that all or am I gonna get some ridiculous speech about friendsh-"

"I really want us to be friends, I told the towns people about you and they also helped us gather some of the herbs so anytime you're ready to be redeemed it won't be hard on you or others I really hope that those ingredients can help you with future potions. I hope some time in the future we can bond together" The goat goes on to give you a speech about friendship while you get more disgusted by the minute, you mumble the rest of your spell for the potion and go downstairs to get it "sorry I just had to make sure a slime abomination had spawned continue your ever so important speech" You say sarcastically 'accidentally' spilling the potion on their clothes "I'm so sorry about that but I've gotta plan your downfall now goodbye" You say slamming the door in the trios faces as they glance at eachother "I think I really got through to her" Ralsei says wiping the potion from his hat Ralsei, that speech didn't do anything. Kris signs, a disappointed look on their face while wiping the potion of their scarf, Susie stays silent also wiping the potion off.

"So we basically got rejected." Susie states
"Sadly we did."
"Maybe she'll agree to a redemption on her own time but for now how about we just try to convince her to" Ralsei plans while they leave the lonely cottage in the distance.

Forgetting to tell the two about his new prohecy.

Two chapter in one day nice anyways I didn't really have a plan for this one so I apologize if it's all over the place but maybe we'll get to see [name]'s villain arc soon and maybe next chapter which might be tomorrow I haven't decided yet we'll get to see Ralsei's prohecy anyways Goodbye cool kids.

Words: 1069

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