Thoughts, and Pondering

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       I can't explain how much I've thought about it, I can't even begin to start to at this point. My long pondering as led me to lose track of time before I finally realized that Im supposed to go back to school tomorrow cause I'm back from my trip or atleast that's what I told my teacher... This is gonna be so difficult.

        I had gotten to the portal back to the over world and sighed, back to school I go. I got transported back and walked out of the closet, checking the time on my phone before walking to my classroom being the first one there. I sat down and grabbed my binder, placing all my homework on Ms. Alphys desk. I sat back in my seat and looked out the window, I spaced out and started thinking again. As I got lost in thought my mind drifted off to why I did help Kris, and I mean the real reason I helped them... I mean I guess they are sorta cute but that's it. Nothing else.. why does my face feel so warm, goddamn it why are feelings so confusing. I sigh and grab a book out of my bag to distract my mind from the particular human plaguing it.

After a little while kids started filing into the classroom, the seats soon started getting filled up. Some gave me odd looks as they literally haven't seen me in a week and probably thought I moved away. A seat was left empty near me, it's a surprise that even Susie came earlier than usual but one kid was missing... There they go running around in my mind like it's a free track field. Ms. Alphys had barely started class before the door slammed open, somebody really needs to take a look at it's screws. The familiar green and yellow sweater shome in the doorway, as Kris walked over to the only free seat which was next to me. Susie whispered something to them about how they should tell her that they'd be late cause even she came early or something like that. Class resumed normally except I couldn't pay attention, that quiet kid was stuck in my mind, like they owned it... Did they place a spell on me or something, this is so annoying and.. infuriating and, and well pretty smart. Placing a spell on the enemy's mind to distract them is something I should of thought of first, that darned human thought of it before me I suppose. I payed attention to class as best I could and soon enough the bell rang signifying lunch had began. I grabbed my book out of my bag and head to the library for some peace and quiet.

After thirty minutes I realized someone had sat across from me, I looked up and saw the green and yellow sweater of Kris Dreemurr. "I hope you don't think we're all buddy-buddy just because I helped." You roll your eyes and close your book, staring down at them with cold eyes, they noticably shivered. "I just wanted to ask a question." They signed, and you sighed, "Y'know, curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. That is to ask, will you be satisfied with the answer I give?" You smirked, this is bound to stop them from asking their question you had thought, but this didn't and Kris proceeded to ask it, "Sometimes you speak in riddles or just in a way we don't understand, I wanted to ask why you do this."  They signed as they tilted their head on confusion, you could feel a blush rising to your cheeks as they looked like a confused puppy with their head tilted. You cleared your throat, "It's fun to see my enemy's squabble to decipher what I mean, playing with their minds if you may." You say as you get up and walk away before your face flushes to a noticable amount.

~{Kris' POV}~

    I had sat at the library table for a little while, thinking about what she said.  So she likes to play mind games with us like we're brainless, that makes this a lot more interesting.  I wonder why she hates us so much. Maybe it has something to do with her past, it'd be interesting to find out more about her. Perhaps Ralsei may know some things about this witch that me and Susie have yet to figure out. The bell rang and I got up and walked to class, when I got there I saw an empty seat next to Susie and sat next to her, We had already made plans to go to the Dark World again today before I left to the library during lunch to find [NAME]. Class went on as normal, Berdly being obnoxious, Noelle just doing her work like the good student she is, Susie trying to hold back from going apeshit and [NAME] who was somehow already a week ahead than everybody else in schoolwork and homework. After class had ended I made my way to the storage closet, and Susie followed behind me. We made it to the Dark World and walked to the dark castle, me and Susie had decided to ask Ralsei about anything he knew about [NAME] the witch. When we got to the dark castle we saw Ralsei walking around and talking to the civilians, we walked up to him and started up a friendly conversation. "So Ralsei, what do you think about that [NAME] character, quite the villain huh?" Susie asked, she tried to be sneaky but didn't really succeed. "I think we could get through to her if we tried hard enough, and I think we may be almost there." He smiles brightly, if the dark world has a sun it'd be his smile. "Well, you said she's the witch of the dark world or something like that right? So she must've been here for a while, huh?  What's her history if you don't mind me askin'." Susie asks as sly as she could of. "Well [NAME] is a rather complicated person... I'm not entirely sure if she's a lightner or Darkener, I mean she's allowed in the light world but her history in the dark world stretches all the way back to when she was a newborn that's what the older darkners say anyway. She's been casting hexes and curses ever since she was in her baby years, she's spread misfortune for a long time but maybe we could stop that and convince her to be good, she'd be a powerful ally." Ralsei finishes his information with a little pep speech. I started thinking, all that information may be all that's known to the dark world but what about [NAME]'s parents, maybe they're the key to this. "And what about her parents Ralsei?" Susie asks, basically reading my mind. "Her parents..? Not much is known about them but I have a theory that one must be a lightner and the other must be a darker if she can cross over to the light world while also having history back to when she was a baby in the dark world." He explains as he tilts his head slightly in thought. That does make a lot of sense. I sign, but which parent.. and do they have a known history in the dark world? The conversation soon came to an end, as the three of us set off on a small side mission to practice and refine out skills.

Me and Susie head home as we parted ways, I entered my home and lied down on my bed, thinking... [NAME]'s parents never come on parents day, nor open house it's always her who comes alone to get the extra credit points. Maybe they're always busy...

Or they're just deadbeats.

I forced myself to write this chapter to hoist myself out of the depths of writers block and I'm so glad I did. I'm trying to write longer chapters so expect some longer than average ones.

Words in this chapter used: 1356

See you later cool kids.

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