Cam's phone was blowing up with texts from the boys wondering where he went. I decided to text them back for him so they don't worry. It was in a group chat with all 9/9, so I texted "With Jayde. Things happened. Don't worry."

Cam just happened to wake up as the text was sending, so he asked, "what are you doing with my phone?" I explained to him that his friends were worried so I informed them where you went. He okay-ed it.

I guess all this talking woke Lucy, and she had huge bags under her eyes. "Good morning," she yawned, "I hope you're feeling better."

"I am, thank you," I laughed, sleep really helped me.

"Breakfast?" Lucy suggested.

"No I'm fine, not hungry," I hesitated.

"I'll get you guys breakfast," Cam said, ignoring me, "Lucy whaddya want?"

They discussed breakfast while I was staring off into space, thinking of last night.

Cam snapped his fingers in my face, bringing me back to life.

"I SAID, what do you want Jayde?" Cam asked, probably for the third or fourth time.

"Surprise me," I said back, since I didn't want to eat anyways. He nodded and left the room.

"Have your parents left for work?" Lucy asked me, looking at the time.

"Yeah, my dad leaves at seven and my mom leaves at eight," I responded. It was a little past ten (am).

I got a text from Mahogany.

"Who's that?" Lucy questioned, noticing my phone going off.

"Mahogany," I mumbled, tracing my eyes to the screen.

Mahogany: Hey r u ok?

Me: Yeah, why

Mahogany: The boys were talking about u and y Cam left so late last night

Me: Oh, that. It's nothing

Mahogany: oh ok

I didn't reply after that, there was nothing to reply to. Lucy was watching over my shoulder anyways.

Lucy and I started smelling our breakfast, pancakes and bacon.

"Where's the eggs?" Lucy joked.

"They don't have any!" Cam shouted from the kitchen.

"I didn't even know we had bacon," I said honestly. Lucy giggled and took my hand, bringing me out of my room and into the kitchen with Cam. How is it that two people can make me smile even when I'm drowning?

"Cam!" I yelled, noticing something, "you're eyebrows are already starting to grow back!"

"I know, it's great," Cam smiled.

Lucy gave us a confused look.

"I dared him to get his eyebrows done," I answered the question that was never truly asked. Lucy nodded.

"Breakfast is almost ready," Cam said, putting the pancakes on a plate. the bacon still needed time.

I went into the pantry and fridge and grabbed toppings for pancakes, then I set them on a table. "Eat away," I said, sitting in a chair.

Even though Cam was still cooking, we began eating. Lucy had two pancakes with butter and syrup and whipped cream. Me? I had one plain pancake with a dab of syrup. I picked at it with my fork, not actually consuming anything.

"Alright bacon is done," Cam blurted, bringing a paper towel-covered plate over to us and sat down.

"Thanks!" Lucy said, grabbing like a million pieces. I grabbed one, and it was one of the smaller ones.

"You gonna eat?" Cam asked as he grabbed himself a couple pancakes and strips of bacon.

"I guess so," I said, finally putting a piece of food in my mouth.

"Good girl," Cam said back, pouring syrup on his pancake.

"Yeah, good girl," Lucy agreed, covering her mouth because it was still full with food.

Once we were all done eating, I suggested we do something involving movement (to burn some calories; but they don't need to know that).

"Ooh, I could invite Nash and the four of us could go ice skating!" Cam exclaimed.

"Why not all of the boys, including Mahogany?" Lucy asked.

"Mahogany is meeting up with LMFAO today, but I could invite the others," Cam answered.

Soon we were getting ready to go, Cam had already texted the boys. We got into Cam's car and drove off.

"I'm such a third-wheel," Lucy laughed from the back seat, when Cam and I were up front.

"Oops," I laughed back.

When we got there, Nash, Matt, Jack, Jack, Aaron, Shawn, Carter, and Taylor were spilling out of their van. Lucy saw Shawn, and immediately sprinted over to him and jumped in his arms.

"I LOVE YOU!" She screamed.

I couldn't stop laughing, she's such a dork, "Shawn, this is my friend Lucy. Lucy, well I'm guessing you know Shawn."

She was still clinging on when Shawn said, "Hi Lucy, how are you?" Lucy never answered verbally, but her expression did.

When Lucy finally let go, the eleven of us went into the Ice Arena and payed, and got our skates on. We entered the actual ice rink where half of us couldn't even stand, including me.

Lucy grabbed my and steadied me, along with Cam holding my hand.

That day was basically a montage of falling, laughing, yelling, vlogging, and scooting around on our butts. Oh, and a little bit of skating!

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