Chapter Thirteen-

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"I was thinking maybe this one," Nash said, pointing at his really expensive Mac Book.

"Looks fancy," Cam tried saying while biting into his snack, apple bits almost falling out everywhere.

"I like it," I chipped in, staring at the screen.

Nash, Cam, and I are looking at houses in the LA area, maybe Anaheim. It's been going well so far, we've already found three houses in our price range that we like. Wait, make that four.

"So many," Nash laughed, "which one is THE one?"

"I really like that one," I said taking the laptop from Nash and clicking on the tab to my favorite.

"So do I," Cam agreed, still eating his apple.

"Should we get it?" Nash asked, both Cam and I nodding our heads. "Alright, lets do it!"

The house we got was located in LA, and Matt backed out on us officially. Which kinda sucks, but oh well.

I don't know how this whole buying houses thing works, so I let Cam and Nash do all the work while I went to call Lucy.

"Lucyyy, guess what?!" I exclaimed before she even had time to say hello.

"What?" Lucy asked.

"Me, Cam, and Nash found our house today!" I yelled into the phone.

"Cam, Nash, and I, you mean?" She corrected me.

"Not the point," I said.

From then I we continued to talk to about an hour before Nash peeked in my room and called for lunch. Lucy and I hung up on each other and I went into the kitchen.

"Did you guys order something?" I asked, seeing no food on the table.

"Yeah, we got a pizza for us to share. It's just plain cheese though," Nash replied.

"Yeah that's fine," I giggled.

When the pizza got there, we ate, barely any talking. We're all awkward.

"When do we start moving in?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Not for awhile. We still have a LOT to do, housework and paying and stuff," Nash said.

"Yeah, but I'll tell you when we start. First we have to road trip back, drop the other off back at their own houses, get our stuff, etc," Cam added.

"I've already dealt with the house I'm currently living in," Nash said, cutting off Cam, "But you need to move out of yours."

"That shouldn't be a problem," Cam told Nash, "I've already talked to my mom and sister and they're fine with it."

"I wanna meet your sister!" I randomly blurted out.

"Road trip back with us then," Cam replied with a smirk.

"Yeah! It'll be fun!" Nash said with excitement.

"Oh okay," I laughed, "I'll have to run it by my parents first though."


"Get in the van!" Cam yelled in the pouring rain. I ran, with my hood up, from my house to the van. When I got in, I sat down next to Cam. Nash was driver and Mahogany was co-pilot. I was soaked from just the three seconds it took to run from the house to the van.

"It never rains here," I giggled, squeezing water out of my hair.

"I know," Cam said.

"This van is huge," I changed the subject.

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