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The next day I got to school early eager to see Dee, but by the time she came I was already pretty sure she wasn't coming to school,and losing faith and my earlier joy fast. I don't know why and how I felt this way about her when I had a distinct feeling she was totally going to blow me off.
"Hey."I said. I waited three seconds before my worst fear was confirmed, she totally and right in front of everyone out, blew me off! The sounds that were going around were unpleasant and directed at me, I felt like such an idiot. Note to self - don't greet Dee again unless she greets me first.
This girl really had a knack for embarrasing me. I don't know why I bothered it's not like she was the only living girl....but she had this aura that I just couldn't resist and made me feel like we had a connection.Ugh I really needed to stop thinking about her.
"Dude, wake up you'll end up drooling." Matt said to me. I hadn't realised how much time had passed since Dee blew me off. An hour a day, I was totally living the American dream...literally.

Right, if I was going to go somewhere with getting to know her,I needed to start putting my thoughts into action. I'm pretty stupid,that much I know,but what I did in homeroom,was completely off the charts. How much of an idiot can one person be in under an hour and if there was a percentage I bet I completely humiliated it and made being an idiot look professional.

I got into homeroom and went straight to Dee's desk. She looked up at me as if I'd just come from the middle of a dump site,and the way she wrinkled her nose....I really should stop, but it just happened. Anyways I leaned on her desk and said "I know this sounds crazy,seeing as you barely know me but I'd like to ask,can I have your number?"
She started at me and half shouted,"You know what,why the hell do you keep bothering me don't you have other people in your life that you can bother and get away with? If you want my number so bad, I dare you to go on the floor like a good doggie."
I could've sworn I saw that mischievous glint and a laugh coming out from her,but I really wanted her number so I did what she said. That was when I realised just how far the extent of my stupidity reached because she then said,
"Roll over,lying down...good dog!"
In a matter of two minutes, I realised I was being played the fool and once again, in public. I got up quickly embarrassed beyond anything and ran out of there, jumped into my car and drove off with my mind in another place,and all to was still 8.00am.

At around 10.00am I was sitting in Starbucks and sipping some tea....surprisingly no one came to ask me why I wasn't in school. I guess I looked old enough to pass for a college student. Life,why did it have to come to this,I don't think I'd be able to show my face at school anymore. How was I going to cope after this....I was sure to be the talk of the school and I don't think the talking being done was any good either. As I was thinking about this I was completely unaware of Dee entering and sitting across from me. How she found me, up to now is still a mystery. But as I sat there completely unaware deep in my own thoughts she nudged me,and when I looked up, I could've sworn I passed out for a good second. What were the chances I had been expecting her to just rock up as if all was jolly and good.
"Wh-what do you want from me?" I asked while regaining my composure.
"Nothing,I just wanted to say I'm happy I had I human dog,it's a dream that finally came true" she beamed. It was driving me nuts! I couldn't believe her guts..coming all the way here during the middle of school to tell me she just wanted to gloat I'm my face? And and salt to an already infected and painful wound? If I didn't feel lime she was different, I vow I would've strangled her,but strangely I kept my cool.
"If you're going to keep making my life hell please do it at least where there aren't many people?" I said.
"Oh sure thing, but what would be the fun of that?" She asked.
"It's not fun for those on the receiving end you know,imagine how much of my self esteem you're lowering every time you embaress me."
"Well," she said "you see,from the moment I saw your cocky ass I knew there was something that had to be done and no one had the guts to stand you up. So I took upon myself to do just that"
I was rocked wjen I heard this, but tried not to show it for fear that she use it against me. My own life was suddenly a war zone and I was in no way ready for the army that was about to hit me in the form of a beautiful yet lethally dangerous girl. She had me in overdrive and there was nothing I could do to stop her.
"Stop staring at me like that!"she exclaimed.
"If you look elsewhere you won't know I'm staring then you'll be okay with it so why don't you look away for a bit,I get myself a good stare and we're even." I countered.

Getting up with a disgusted face she said, "there's no such thing as a good stare, only pervets." And at that she left me,alone,again.

Just One Problem#Charismaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें