Always Wanted to be a Brit

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I guess it was inevitable....there was no way to escape the embarrassment that I had brought over myself. The best way was to brace it and get over it,though I had a feeling it was going to be the in story for a long time.

"Why am I such a jerk?" I asked Matt.

"Maybe coz you've never tasted this delicious sushi!!, my gosh it's great!". he replied.

"You're not helping"

"Well what do you want me to do,can you not see I'm already busy?"

"You're a sac,see you tomorrow " I said as I walked out.

When I got home I went into the kitchen and made a sandwich, it wasn't one of my normals....if I ever had one,it was more of a stressed sandwich,everything was a mess,the counter looked like and ant sized hurricane had hit it. The site wasn't pretty,don't get it twisted,it was horrible and worthy of the dumpster's top 3 of most dirtiest kitchens.

But at that time I was so stressed it didn't matter if mother shouted at me because I had my mind on other things. The stress life was putting in me was so freaking annoying,and well I guess...stressful. I need a break I said to myself,this type of stuff could seriously harm a person mentally and I sure didn't want to end up in some asylum feeling sorry for myself. New plan,go over to Matt's and seek some girl help,he was the pro after all.

It took five minutes give or take to get to Matt's house. We lived pretty close to each other and we pretty much grew off each other,my house was his...his house was mine so I just invited myself in like I lived there, which I actually did for like half my life,though not in the literal sense. Anyways enough of flashbacks,I jogged up the stairs to Matt's room an banged on his door,without waiting for him to answer I opened the door and found one of the most scarring sites in my seventeen years of living.

Seeing your best mate having sex was just so disgusting yet made you also want to cheer him on and congratulate the guy. This guy right here who I called my best friend was getting some and I was just standing like a child who walked in on his parents doing the dirty deed. And to think all this happened in a matter of seconds...well what could I do but leave and come later.

"I'll be back later..sorry to disturb this,um ,good thing?"

"Oh shixt dude what the hell are you doing in my room!" Matt shouted back

"I'm leaving! Act as of I was never there " I said while trying to stifle a laugh

"Leave us in peace,dude!" He said.
And with that I was out of there. I bet I would regret this later on but for now all I could do was laugh and hope I never saw another thing like that happening again unless I was the one doing it.

After that unlikely incident Matt avoided me for the rest of the week. I didn't really mind but I wondered what he was ashamed was supposed to be a good thing,he should've been proud. I finally got him whilst going to lunch, caught like a deer in the headlights hehehe.

"Matt! Where do you think you're going?"

"Ugh you got me, what do you want?" he said looking down.

"Oh nothing much,you gave me all the advice I could ever have on Tuesday." I said my face heating up. I was really having a struggle trying to hold in the laugh at the edge of my voice.

"Oh really now,and how exactly?" He said cockily

"Oh you know how." I said,bursting into laughter

"Dude keep it on a low,we don't want to attract attention!" He whispered harshly.

"Okay okay,just one question."


"Why have you been avoiding me this whole week?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2015 ⏰

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