"Gogy! They're on fire!! Help!" I yelled, and I heard something heavy hit the ground.

"People don't change, Dream. People very much don't change." He yelled, and I heard him stumble to a run from the living room. 

After a whole bag of flour, thoroughly burnt pancakes, three bowls of cereal, and a very angry Gogy, we were all sitting on the living room floor, eating peacefully.

"Well, that was fun." Sapnap said, and George scoffed.

"I told you." He said to me.

"Wow, I can't even try to do something nice for my boyfriend?" I asked, looking at him with fake hurt in my eyes, and he rolled his eyes, slapping my nose with his spoon.

"Not when you almost burn down our house in the process." He said, and I laughed.

"Touche." I said, and he leaned into me.

"But you are cute when you panic." He said, and I leaned down to kiss him.


I looked at Dream, the sharp slope of his high cheekbones as he chewed on his cereal, the way his thick, sandy hair fell over his ears. He was perfect, even more so than when we first met, if that is even possible. I loved him with all my whole heart, would die for him, if needed.

I wanted him to be mine, forever. I wanted people to see a band on his finger, and know that he was taken, and always would be. I wanted to grow old with him.

He looked up, his thick, dark eyelashes almost touching his cheeks, and grinned lopsidedly at me when he caught me staring. I remember when I wanted so badly to be able to reach out, to touch him like it was nothing. But now, I could. I brought my hand to his face, gently caressing the perfect skin over his perfect cheekbones. He leaned forward, his crooked smile slipping off his face, turning into something more serious, a deeper sort of happiness in his eyes.

"Yes?" He asked in his usual, playful way, and I smiled at the Reeses Puffs lodged between his teeth. I just smiled, gently touching the soft skin of his lips with my finger.

He was mine. And every day since he had asked me, I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Just making sure this is real." I said, replacing my fingers with my lips. I loved how Dream kisses, how he takes charge, even when taken by surprise. It's easy to get lost in the feeling of safety that envelops me when I'm with him.

"Not to ruin the moment, or anything, but my cheerios can see you!" Sapnap said, and Dream growled, a sound that sent shivers up my spine.

"Well then, you will have to take your innocent cereal somewhere else. Because we are about to get way over PG." He said, pulling me on top of him, spilling my breakfast over the already stained carpet. Did I care? Not a single bit.

"You guys are so adorable, it makes me sick." Sap said, taking his breakfast out of the living room.

"Alone at last." Dream said, wagging his eyebrows, reminding me of a happy puppy.

"We literally spent all night together, and we fell asleep on the couch watching Gilmore Girls and eating pizza." I joked, still sitting in his lap like a child.

"Yes, but now I get to annoy someone while showing affection. It's a win win." He said.

"Ah, so you need a spectator to make out with me? How comforting if we ever. . ." I stopped myself short, ducking my head.

"If we ever what?" He asked. If we ever get married. That's what I was going to say. But I couldn't. Not yet. Not when I was trying so hard to build up. For so long, Dream had taken the lead in our relationship. Dream was the one to ask me out, the one to go in for the first kiss, the one to propose living together, but I wanted to be the one to seal us together forever. I wanted to get down on one knee, and make the love of my life mine forever.

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