Rise of the Champion Episode one. Chapter one

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To the Royal Champion,

I want to thank your majesties for the privilege of chronicling the History of the Champion of Light and his Helpmate. I’ve strived to interview as many of the people involved in the events as I could, given your desire to have this chronicle be one of fact, and not of myth or legend.

 I, of course, had to take some leeway with the side of the Keepers of the Light. I felt it not wise to approach the few left in the Northern Kingdom. I thought after their significant losses to your majesties, they would not be too willing to share their story with us.

I have learned much about you and the LIGHT GIVER in the documentation of this history. I pray, along with you, that this chronicle will bring many others into the freedom of the LIGHT GIVER. Any suggestions you have, after reading this account of your story, please let me know.

 I am as convinced as I can be that I did not take a creative license with this work; and as much as people may think it is a fictionalized account or legend, every word is true, based upon eyewitness testimony and the memories of those who were there.

Your Servant and the LIGHT GIVER’S,

Jasper Royal Bard and Chronicler

When darkness reigns in the Kingdom of Light 

And all seems lost in the blackest night 

From the Keepers camp, a true champion shall arise.

And with him once more the True LIGHT shall thrive.

And these shall be the signs, he is right

He shall be cloaked in the Armor of the Light. 

There from his hand LIGHTS power shall pour. 

And drive the Keepers from the kingdom's door.

--Prophecy of the Champion found in the records of the Historians and on the wall of the LOGOS of LIGHT room in the Morningstar Castle.

Chapter One:

Disillusionment and Illumination

Had he known today would be the day that changed everything he would have stayed in bed. He didn’t.  Not that it started off all that great anyway. Tal awoke to his roommate and best friend Jarrod shaking him.

“I’m serious Tal, get up. You told me not to let you oversleep again this morning, now if you don’t get up I’m gonna soak you in ice water.”

“Okay, I’m up” mumbled Tal instantly sinking into another dream.

The vision was so clear that Tal didn’t realize he had driffted back to sleep. He saw King Solaris standing in a room of Morningstar Castle. The king was reverently touching words that were on the wall. He sank to his knee’s facing them. “LIGHTGIVER,” he prayed, “I am so thankful that you are restoring the LOGOS to the wall. If ever there was a time for the prophecy to be fulfilled it is now. Please hurry and send us your Champion my LORD. I don’t know how much longer I, or my subjects, can survive in this dark time.”

The scene changed.  Tal saw a young noble woman seated at her dressing table. Never in his life had he seen so beautiful a woman. Her skin was the color of  ripe olives, hair as dark as a ravens wings, framing a face with eyes the color of spring honey, and a mouth as full and red as a delicious apple. Tears streamed down that wondrous face. “LIGHTGIVER,” she sobbed, “Please fill my father with peace. Give him some hope of the future. The weight of his crown is too heavy for him to bear alone.” Help me know how to ease his burden. That is all I ask of you.”

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