Feng Xin x male reader/Loyalty

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It was another ordinary day at General Nang Yang's Palace you were a junior, and that you were in charge of cleaning weapons you were very loyal to him never once have you betrayed. After you were done you looked over again you were proud of yourself because it was shiny 'hey name'. you looked behind you 'yes is there something that you need' 'can you go and clean General Nang Yang's room' you were shocked a little bit you never went into the general's room 'yes okay I will do that right now.'. As you enter room you looked around, and then started to clean in the middle of your cleaning the door went and open you turn around your eyes widen it was you quickly bow down "hello General Nang Yang."you said "yes hello how are things going" Nang Yang looked around ,and then look back at you "I'm almost done and then I shall leave." you said "very well I shall leave the rest to you." you went and finished with your work and you then look back at the general "I have finished cleaning I shall take my leave have a nice day General." "hang on may I ask for your name." you looked at him "my name is 'name'." you said "name so that's your name." he said "I'm sorry General but may I ask why you wanted to know my name." confused "I just wanted to know the person who did a good job." you were happy "and also when person is cute." Nang Yang said you looked up shocked only to see him smirking he then started walking towards you blush when he was an inch away from you "general what are you doing." "I went and found an interest in you name ,and how you always work so hard doing your job." he grabbed your chin ,and kissed you he deepened the kiss your mouth was closed when, and but your lip and gasp and it gave him the chance to slip his tongue he won after some dominance. You then separated a trail of saliva look at you flushed face ,and panting "I like to look on your face name it's turning me on right now." went and picked you up you were startled a bit when he laid you on his bed and kissed you again. General went and put his "General..."Nang Yang went and put his finger on your mouth "Shh... You can just call me Feng Xin when where alone."
Feng Xin went, and took your clothes off leaving you naked.You covered your hard member but Feng Xin took your hands away, and put them over your head "Oh no name your not allowed to do that."Feng Xin said he to took(well you guys know what I mean by now 😋) you blushed looking at him.Then Feng Xin started to on your neck and then he was playing with your nipples he then found you sweet spot,and put a hickey there "There now people will know that you belong to me.".Feng Xin slowly decided to go down,and suck on your nipples he went and spread your legs putting two fingers in your hole "Ahh~" "Now that's the sound I like."He then took out his fingers and lined his member towards your hole and in one thrust he went inside.

"Ahhh!!"It hurt at first but then slowly started to turn into pleasure.After a few more thrusting you then decided to rap your arms around Feng Xin neck he was shocked but then smirked."Well well it seems that someone is a little eager to have some more~"he whispered into your ear. Your face was by then as red as a tomato, and so not only did you guys do it once but went on for the entire night nothing but trusting and cuming.By the end of the night Feng Xin was laying beside you he was looking at your sleeping form cover in bite marks, hickey's, and bruises " I think that I may have went overboard but at least I finally got you all to myself." Feng Xin said. While brushing strands of your hair out of your face he then decided to go to bed himself.And so you then became loyal to him even more than you already have been for the rest of your life.

(Author Note:I hope that you guys enjoy this one it was hard writing when I am going to be moving to a different state.So I probably won't be able to write for awhile but I promise you guys when I am done with things I will get back to writing.Also I'll be moving in a couple of weeks.😔)

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