~Truth or dare~

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"Ok I got the snacks" Tristan said while sitting down with the rest of us. "Ok let's play never have I ever first" maddy said "ok never have I everrrrr......ummm oh I know never have I ever got the cops called on me" Miguel said
I took a sip of my drink but no one else did

"Y/N" maddy yelled at me "what its not even that big of a deal" I said laughing "dude what did you do" Miguel said laughing as well
"Ok so you know those big things in walmary that are filled with the nig bounce balls" I said "well I jumped in one and they called the cops" they all started laughing "I would have never thought you would do something like that"becca said while grabbing some candy. "Ok never have I never been suspended from school" mason said
Everyone drank except maddy. "YOU NEVER BEEN SUSPENDED?!?" I yelled at her really surprised.
"No I'm am a good student, unlike you guys" she said while eating a cookie. "You need you live a little jeez" mason said "the one thing I agree with mason on"I said while eating some nerds. "Aww" mason said sarcastically while holding his heart. "We should play truth or dare now" Tristan said getting all of our attention back

"Ok y/n truth or dare" becca said and everyones head turning to me "dare, I ain't no pussy" I said waiting for my dare "I dare you to jump in the ocean fully clothed" she said while laughing "ok let's go" I is while running out the back door and towards the ocean. "How deep do I have to go" I asked the group. "You have to dunk your head fully under"Miguel said while crossing his arms. "ok let's just get this over with" I said while running into the ocean. I was about waist deep when I felt a sharp paint in my foot. "AHH FUCKING SHIT" I yelling running back to the shore. "You to pussy?" mason said crossing his arms "no my fucking foot" I said while falling on the sand. "Holy shit what happened" tristen said whole getting in his knees. " I think I got stung by a jelly fish" I said. While holding my leg "here get on my back" mason said. I jumped on his back with help from Miguel and maddy. When we made it back to the house we grabbed my laptop and lookup ways to help it. "It says if someone pees on it, it will help it heal" Tristan said "you guys aren't pissing on my fucking leg" I said in pain. "How about we just rap it up in badges and let it be, if it gets worse then we will go see a doctor" I said just waiting to get my mind off of the pain. Ok y/n want some advil?l Miguel said opening the medicine cabinet, " yeah sure that would be great" I said grabbing some water and following the pill. "Gusy we don't have and bandeges" becca said looking everywhere "ok let's go get some mason stay here with y/n everyone else come with me" maddy said grabbing Tristans keys and throwing them to him. "Wait why do I have to stay here with her" he said giving me a dirty look "just stay here" becca said while everyone walked out the door.

Maddy's pov

"Do you guys think it will work" I said looking in the back seat at everyone. "It has to they would be so cute together" Becca said smiling. " I'm not a lovey dovey kind of person bit I got to admit they would be a good couple" Miguel said nodding his said "literally power couple of the year" maddy said "century" becca said correcting her

Masons pov

I was staring at y/n, and I guess from some angles someone people might say she was pretty. "Why are you looking at me like that" y/n said laughing god her laugh was so cute, wait wtf Mason stop you don't like her. " I was looking at your annoying face" I said giving her a death stare "jeez you done have to be such a bitch" she said grabbing the tv remote "what do you want to watch" she said opening Netflix. "Shamless, one of the best shows ever" "real" she said putting it on.

Back to your pov

I was watching the show when I kept seeing out of the corner of my eye mason was starting at me "what's your problem, I got something on my face" said laughing he look back at the tv not saying a word. I kept looking at him and he was actually kinda cute ngl. But I can not liwk him he's so annoying and he hates me

22 minutes later

Heard the door open open and I see them with target bags. "Ok I got some bandages and this cream and is supposed to help if heal" Daddy said while grabbrling my leg and putting the cream onto it. " I got more candy!" Tristan said easing his two bags in to air happily. " do you have skittles?" I asked him " no" he is looking away "dude your such a bad liar pass me some skittles" I said putting my hand out for him. "Ugh fine" he said passing my a bag of them

Time skip

I was in my room reading my striped because we start filling tomorrow when I get to page 67....
It was a make out seen with mason EW. my jaw was on the floor I didn't want to kids him, or maybe I did, I was so caught up in the moment I didn't even hear maddy and becca come in. "Sooo what happens while we were gone" maddy said while sitting down on my bed. "Nothing he was just staring at me a lot"I said shrugging. "Ooooooo someone has a crushhh" becca said "you better shut your mouth before I rip out your toung and shove it down your throat" I said while giving her a death glare. "What ever and going to bed, in gonna wake you up tomorrow at 6:30 because we have to get our makeup done" maddy said while walking out with becca.

I just starred at the ceiling and thought about page 67, everytime I thought about it I got butterflies in my stomach, maybe I did want to kiss him?


Watching the black phone while writing this 😝😝

                                  ~1097 words~

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