"I would love to take you on a real date, but I know you ain't tryna leave lil mama with nobody yet." He draped his arm free arm around her waist lazily with his eyes fixated down into hers. "But, we ain't had all that much time since the baby, and to keep this shit going and healthy, we need that. She come first always, but the parents still need they time together by any means." He mumbled before leaning his head down further to peck her lips gently.

Amerie didn't hesitate in returning the soft gesture, following it up with two more kisses to his lips before pulling away. "You are the best thing to ever happen to me outside of her, and I'll forever be grateful for everything you do. I thank God daily we never gave up on us, I couldn't imagine." She sighed out, taking a step back fully while grabbing the bouquet to allow him room to walk.

"Real shit." He shook his head, leading her towards the dining room where their two plates were already set up along the candlelit dinner table. "Had our moments but every couple go through they rough patches." He shrugged off as his hand pressed along her lower back gently to help her towards the table.

Amerie looked around the dimly lit room, only illuminated by the candles that shone along the white tablecloth, and dark red rose petals that danced around and on the table. Although only them, he managed to make everything so beautiful and perfect. And it amazed her even more knowing she'd been upstairs taking care of their daughter all day, purely oblivious, while he went out of his way to get everything together.

"You're the sweetest, cutest ever. I just want to kiss all over you everyday, oh my God." Amerie breathed out, watching him pull her chair out for her.

His romantic moments made her heart swell every single time, it was the little things that got to her the most with him. He liked to keep up such a wall and act hard all the time around other people, to where she knew he sometimes lost sight of that softer side of himself. And it meant so much more to her that she was the only one who got to see that, she was the only one who could say they've experienced such treatment from him.

"You adorable, you know that?" He raised an eyebrow while helping her down into her chair, before moving around the table to take his own seat.

Her cheeks hurt from the blush that coated them, immediately getting shy under his intense gaze across the table at her. She could feel his stare, the way he looked at her with so much love and admiration from how much his feelings for her changed since being home. He so unconsciously fell so much deeper in love with her than what he ever imagined he possibly could have. And he never recognized it until he just stared at her, and seen a completely different woman every time.

"You're amazing, you know that?" She smiled, before glancing down towards her plate that held all of her favorites that she couldn't eat while pregnant.

She nearly moaned seeing the stuffed salmon, with garlic mashed potatoes topped with shrimp, and asparagus on the side. She blinked up towards Syre who sat sipping from whatever drink was in his wine glass.

His low hooded eyes admired her from over the top of the glass, burning into her skin deeply. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life." He spoke once he finally lowered it back onto the table. "Ion know what it is, but when I see you with Lani I feel some shit I ain't ever felt before. It sound corny as hell, but I don't know how else to explain it." He shook his head while Amerie chewed her food slowly.

"It's probably the same way I feel when I see you with her and Xyden, but especially with the one that's mine-."

"Why you say it like that?" Syre laughed, "the one that's mine, damn nigga I'm sorry."

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