Chapter 1

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Mary: Alright, I won't keep you any longer. The people are waiting for you.

Y/N: Who cares? I'd rather be with you than running for those losers.

Mary: A few new guys claimed that they'll beat you easily. Show them who's the boss.

Y/N: You know no-one runs as fast as me.

I claimed with a confident smile.

Mary: I know, everyone here does. Except for these new guys, but they'll know too in a few minutes, won't they?

Y/N: Yeah.

I took a look at my watch to see that I'm almost late to the race.

Y/N: Fuck, I gotta hurry.

Mary: Told ya they're waiting for you.

She gave me a peck on the lips before wishing me good luck with a smile.

Mary: You're gonna crush them babe. I'll be watching.

I raised my first into the air as I ran away from her and entered the building.

Teacher: Y/N! Hurry the fuck up, you're late!

He said, annoyed by me being too late as always.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah.

I dismissively said as I passed him and went into the locker room.

I checked the place to make sure that nobody was there, before entering a toilet cabin and locking the door.

I put my backpack onto the toilet and opened it.

After searching through all my stuff, I finally found the box and took it out.

I opened it and took the syringe full of Compound V out.

Y/N: Alright, give me my sweet victory.

I mumbled as I examined the sharp object in my hand before bringing it closer to my veins.

Y/N: Which one is it going to be today, hm?

I asked myself as I decided which one to pick.

Y/N: You.

I chose a vein and slowly pierced through it with the syringe.

I ignored the slight pain as I began injecting the drug into my body.

Once the syringe was empty, I put it back into the box with my sweaty, shaking hands.

The box got thrown back into the backpack and the backpack was pushed to the ground to let me sit on top of the closed toilet.

I covered my face with my now uncontrollably shaking hands.

A few seconds later the real pain kicked in and my whole body began to shake heavy.

I covered my mouth, trying not to scream from all the pain that was going through my body.

The feeling of me having to throw up has arrived, but I managed to push it aside, for now at least.

I just have to win the race, it doesn't matter what happens after that.

My ego was gigantic when it came to being the best, I always had to win, no matter how and at what cost.

The pain was slowly fading away as my heart began beating like crazy.

It really felt as if it was gonna explode any moment.

My right hand wandered over to the left side of my chest as I tried to get used to the insane amount of beats my heart was pumping out at this moment.

The door to the locker room flew open and I heard the obnoxious voice of my teacher.

In A Rush | Mary Jane Watson X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now