It Wasn't the Worst Date Ever

Start from the beginning

"It's a real question," Junhyung said.  Then, he slyly added, "I wouldn't be surprised if someone's asked you out already."

"And you're going to try to flatter me," I replied.  "Don't bother.  We're just friends."

Junhyung looked hurt.  "You won't even give me a chance?"

"Sir?  Ma'am?"

I breathed a sigh of relief as Yeonjun brought our waters just then, but after he took our orders and left again, Junhyung went right back to where we left off.

"Why won't you give me a chance?  I know how to treat a girl right."

"I'm literally your boss."


I sighed.  I didn't want to tell him that he wasn't my type.  "I'm not looking for a relationship right now.  I've got enough work with this stupid gang stuff going around.  I don't even have time to enjoy myself, much less another person."  I had to change the subject.  "With all the time off you have now, what do you do?  Do you still do competitive dance?"

"Yeah."  Junhyung graciously dropped the whole romance topic and seized this one with enthusiasm.  "My team, Ghost9, just finished our choreography for this season.  It's the best so far.  We're hoping to go to nationals this time."

"You went to regionals last year, right?" I recalled from the last company dinner.

Junhyung nodded.  "I'm surprised you remembered."

"Of course I did," I said.  "Tell me when your next competition is, so I can go."  As long as you turn out to be innocent, I thought to myself.

"The 24th.  You'll really come?"  Junhyung laughed shyly and averted his eyes.  "I don't know if it's the kind of dancing you would enjoy."

"What kind of dancing do you think I'd enjoy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know, ballet?"

"Ballet?"  I wasn't about to deny that I enjoyed ballet, but I'd literally gone to a performing arts high school as a dance major.  First Haechan and now one of my real employees.  How many people thought I was a classical music, traditional type?

"You don't like ballet?"

I shook my head.  "I like ballet well enough, but my favorite style has to be popping or waacking."

"Really?"  Junhyung's already large eyes looked like they were going to burst out of his head.

"I've dated 2 b-boys.  I know what dance is."

"If dancers are your type, I must have a chance," Junhyung said, a sparkle in his eye.  "I can break dance."

Inside, I wanted to die from cuteness.  He looked like a little bunny.  "Like I said, Junnie, I really don't have the time or energy."

Junhyung sighed.  "Okay, boss.  But if you ever change your mind, will you at least promise to let me have your first date?"

I blinked.  I knew I should say no, because it wouldn't be fair to lead him on, but how could I refuse his puppy dog eyes?  "Okay."

"Yesss!" Junhyung cheered.

Through my guilt, I smiled back.  At least I have something to tell Taeyong about this new lead, I thought.

The rest of the meal was devoid of any dating talk, perhaps out of courtesy.  Junhyung had probably guessed that he'd pushed himself to my limit, and wasn't about to test them any further.

The food arrived, including the takoyaki that made Junhyung's eyes light up again.  "Noona- boss, look!"

"I have eyes," I reminded him.  "And outside of work, I guess noona is fine."

Til Death Do Us Part / LEE TAEYONG ✓Where stories live. Discover now