Chapter One:The Unusual Pain

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(Mike's POV)

I woke up at 7:30 as usual. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I started to brush I felt I sharp pain in my stomach. It really hurt and usually I would tell my mom and I would stay home but today I can't. Today we have a really important presentation in Mr. Clarks class and I don't want to miss it. I promised my friends I would come. I just forgot about it until lunch. When they gave out lunch and I started to eat it my stomach gave that sharp pain again. But this time it didn't go away. It stayed until my eyes started watering.

"Mike are you ok?, Will asked

" Yeah I'm fine", I said. Even though I was mentally groaning inside. I couldn't tell them. If I did they would tell me to go home.

"Are you sure?", Dustin chimed in. I was going to say yes until a wave of nausea rushed through me and felt like I was going to puke.

" I'll be right back,I am gonna go to the bathroom" I said choking over my words. Feeling all sweaty.

"Okay are you sure you are alright" said Lucas

"Y-u-up a-l-l g-o-od" I said almost puking at that second. I had to go now if I wanted to make it in time.

(Max's POV)

I finally found the boys outside having lunch and that goodness that Mike wasn't there or he would get all sassy and kick me out of the table.

"Hey guys" I said.

"Hi" said Will. I could see something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing it's just Mike" replied Lucas. Ugh Mike, I get that he would be mean to me because I'm a girl but not to his best friends . I really wonder what is going on in that kids head.

"Is he being rude to you too?" I asked

"No that's not it, it's just he looked really pale and sick and just rushed on off to the bathroom."

" Well we should see what is going on then." I said promptly, "If he's sick we ought to know"

"No we should give him his privacy." Said Will

"I second that" said Lucas.

"But if he is really sick then we should check on him right?" I said

"Exactly" said Dustin

"Alright fine, but you are dealing with the angry Mike". Said Lucas

So we went searching for Mike then all the boys went into the bathroom while I stayed outside. But they said they couldn't find him. I was curious. Maybe he went home? Then we keep on searching for Mike until I heard a scream.

"Why do you keep on calling my name?" Asked a confused Mike

" See I told you nothing was wrong" said Lucas

" Oh yeah!" I said laughing.

(Mike's POV)

That was a close call. All my friend were out searching for me good thing the nausea stopped right before they saw me. I was throwing up in the bathroom constantly and it wouldn't stop. Good thing it did. My stomach was still aching but not as much but still I had to do the presentation no matter what. I just wish the pain would be over already.

An half hour later......

We went to grab our stuff from our lockers put them in bags and stood before Mr. Clark's room.

"Ready" I asked

"I was born ready" Lucas replied

The stomach ache (Mike Wheeler)Where stories live. Discover now