Day of the Dumpster part 1

Start from the beginning

" Belle, are you listening". 

I turned around and said, " No sorry Trini, I did it again, didn't I". 

Trini nodded and smiled. Trini and I lived near each other so we would walk to school and she was like a big sister to me and so was Kimberly, my mother was a little too overprotective and didn't let me walk home alone. Which I didn't enjoy, her fear of being in America was still so big. 

Trini smiled and said, " Belle if you like Jason then tell him, maybe he has feelings for you". 

I looked down and said, "Yeah I know I should but I'm scared what if he doesn't". 

Kim put her hand on mine and said " Belle trust us, he does like you". 

I nodded and said, " Ok I will do it, but you two are so invested in my love life, that then we have to talk about you two". 

Kim and Trini laughed and said, "We will cross that bridge when it comes to it". 

We laughed.

Jason's POV

I was watching the girls laugh and talk and I was just looking at Isa, she was gorgeous when I first met her, I remember being starstruck by her and her kindness went a long way. I had the biggest crush on her since I met her and it had grown. 

" Jason man, just ask her". 

I look at Zack who was one of my best friends other Belle and Billy and Kim and Trini. Zack was the only person I opened up to about my feelings for Isabelle. Zack said, " Jason man, you can't know in less you ask her". 

I nodded and said, "OK I will". 

I got ready for my class and Isabella came up to me and said "Good luck and kiss my cheek, I blushed redder than I was. 

She walked back to where Zack Trini and Kim were, Zack gave me the thumbs up.

I had to put my mind to ready for the class. 

I glanced towards Belle, who smiled at me and slipped her smoothie, her EpiPen was near her; of course, I had one with me just in case. 

My students came in and I got to work and the class started.  

Isabella's POV

I watched Jason teach his class, Billy was trying hard to learn, and Billy was more the mind of the group than a fighter, I hoped that Jason would help Billy, he helped so many people. 

I watched the class go on, and of course, Bulk and Skill never learn Jason showed Bulk some moves and I had to laugh when Bulk tripped his pants and everyone laughed. 

Soon the class was over and Jason changed and sat next to me and Billy looked sad that he couldn't. I said, " Billy don't worry you did amazing in your first class". 

Billy smiled and said " Thanks Belle"

Jason added," She is right  Billy, I'm telling you for your first lesson..., you did well."

Billy said, "I did?" 

Kim said, " Yeah, we were watching you". 

Billy said "I don't know if I've got what it takes.

Trini adds " It's all a state of mind, Billy. You don't need to be strong for martial arts". 

Zack said, " Yeah, man, it's all up here." 

I add " Billy you remember that my dad was an FBI trainer and guess what he was bad at the beginning, like laughing badly but he worked on it, it takes a while, to become as good as Jason or me and Zack and Trini, but soon you will get it, I promise". 

Billy nodded and said "Thanks guys". 

I smiled and said, "What are friends from". Everyone smiled. 

Ernie comes to our table holding a tray of smoothies " Hey, guys"

 The whole group " Hey, Ernie". 

Ernie asks " Who ordered the spinach juice?". 

We didn't order spinach juice well Billy did,  we had smoothies. The whole room started to shake, an earthquake. I took my EpiPen and put it in my pants 

Ernie said "Oh no! It's an earthquake! Everybody, stay calm!" 

Ernie turned  and dumped the drink on Bulk and said " Sorry, Bulk!" 

I laughed and said to Jason  and said "Иска ми се да взех фотоапарата си, за да го снимам"( I wish I brought my camera to take a picture of that) 

Jason turned to me smiled and said " може би не е добра идея, не искам той да ти каже повече, че не си американец, защото си такъв"(maybe not a good idea, I don't want him to say another word to you about not being American, because you are) 

Everyone started running about and Zack said " Oh, man, it must be the big one!" 

  Billy said, "Something tells me this is no earthquake!" 

We got up and went to hide but then we transitioned somewhere. 

Author note - Day of the Dumpster had 2 parts to it, since I am using Nina Dobrev has claim for this story and since Nina Dobrev is Bulgarian, I thought it makes sense that  Isabelle is from Bulgaria. And Jason knows a little Bulgarian. 

Ship name for Isabelle and Jason ??? 

I will also be writing more Jason Lee Scott and Sky Tate stories, also I will not be using the Power Rangers 2017 movie, just the original ones that I grew up on. nothing against the movie or actors, I just love the original Power Rangers. That is just me. 

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