The Meeting!

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Eddie's pov:
I sat down on my pc chair. I opened YouTube, I saw a channel called "big juicy" and also "juicyfruitsnacks". Hm I've never seen him why was he on my recent posted? I clicked on his channel. "hell I'm juicy! I make gaming videos. I'm happy to make new YouTube friends!" i read as his bio. I saw he put his insta in his bio as well. I opened insta on my phone. I wrote his user in, I found his user on Instagram. I added him, and texted him. "hey I'm eddievr on YouTube if you wanna check me out go for it if you wanna be friends my discord is ****** and I thought your videos are really cool so I wanted to be your friend!" i sent him the text. Only gotta wait now. I started watching some of his videos, I really liked his voice! I heard my phone vibrate on my lap. I opened my phone to see "juicyfruitsnacks" texted me back! "hello! Eddie I suppose! I'd love to be your friend! I've always wanted to have some YouTube friends! I'll add you on discord my discord is ****!" he texted me. The msg was adorable! I fastly opened my discord to find that "juicyfruitsnacks" added me. "hey juicyfruitsnacks!" i said.
"hello eddie! No need to call me juicyfruitsnacks you can call me juicy or my real name gaege!" i read awh adorable.
"well then hello gaege! How are you today?" i texted kinda nervous.

Gaeges pov:
He texted me back! "I'm amazing right now! How are you?" i texted eddie. Before he could answer I changed his friend name from "sauceeddie" to "eddie!<3" i already felt a spark between me and him. "I'm better now that I met you(with w rizz)" he said it made me laugh a bit. "that's adorable! I may have a question, is your real name eddie?". "well no it's not that's just my nickname! My real name is Eduardo! I'm from Mexico so it's a Spanish name!". Mexico? Ooo. "your from Mexico? That's so cool! I'm from Florida! How old are you btw? I'm 24 I have brown hair I have green eyes as well!" i texted him fast. "oo i love green eyes! I'm 31, so a bit of an age difference. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes." he's literally my fucking dream boy! "i love people with brown hair and eyes! And 31? Jeeeez. Anywho uh where do you live now?" i texted him nervously. "I'm in the US rn so pretty close to you handsome." he texted me back. AAAH! HANDSOME? I'M NOT HANDSOME! I started blushing. "handsome?! Uhm thank you eddie!" the word handsome followed my thinking. I couldn't think anymore of the word "handsome". "of course! Are you anytime free to like maybe met irl?" he said. "uh yea! What about tomorrow I have the whole! Day. But before should we like send pics so we know what we look like?" i said. "yea i think so! You wanna go first or should I?" "I'll go first!" i said nervously. I send a Pic of me!

This one! "uh that's me! Juicyy!" i was so scared! "woah your hot" WHAT HOT? HOT? HOT? AAAAAH! HOT? "HOT? WHA-" i sent all blushing. "yea ofc your hot gaege!" AAAAAH! "NOW YOU EDDIE! STOP CALLING ME THAT!" "alright there juice box dw" juice box? No one called me that! He sent he a pic of himself and woah

This is eddie!? "oml your woah hot" i said just staring at the picture. "thanks juice box!" he said. "big ass nose you got! pfff" "GODDAMMIT NOT AGAIN😭" "I'M SORRY EDDIEEEEE"

Eddies pov:
That was adorable how he said my name with more e's I giggled at that. "it's fine dw ml" i giggled at how I called him my love! "MY LOVE? AAAAAH!" i read "calm down juicy😭I didn't mean toooo" "it's fine eddie😾"  i giggled at his response. That's so adorable of him. "hey juicy boy wanna call only if you want tho!" i asked nervously. "YESSSS!" i giggled at that. I called him on discord.

700 words yipee!

a new friendship (eddievr x juicyfruitsnacks)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora