Chapter 7; Start of Another New Life

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The next few days were generally uneventful. I tried avoiding my old friends at first. They didn't know me here. I knew they would be slightly different than the data scape. But avoiding them proved harder than I thought. They seemed to be everywhere. I had a few small interactions with them. They seemed the same. Olette and I would hang out often. I'd help her shop and I helped them look for the wonders for their reports for school but that was it. 

By the third day, Riku met me at the clock tower in the morning. "He's awake. The king will meet you all to tell you what to do soon." He told me then vanished. I looked over and saw Sora and his friends in the distance. They were about to enter the old hangout. I chuckled and hopped down from the top and started walking towards the place. Hayner, Pence, and Olette should be there soon if I remembered correctly. I was mostly amused cause Hayner doesn't like people just walking in, especially if he doesn't know them. I noted he seemed a little more grumpy in the real world. 

As I got close I saw Heyner walking out from the curtains. "Hayner, what's up?" I asked nonchalantly. He glanced at me. "Not much Raven. What brings you over here today?" He asked me. I shrugged. "I thought I saw some people I was looking for come this way." I told him. "There's newbies talking to Pence and Olette inside." He told me. As he did we heard excited shouting in the hideout. Then Pence and Olette came out. "Oh hey Raven! We were just talking about you." Pence said. 

"Good things I hope?" I joked. Then I saw them walk out as Olette continued. "Their friend wants to meet you and them at the station." "You must be Raven. I'm Sora, this is Donald and Goofy." Sora introduced. I must've paused for a moment. Cause Sora was waving his hands in my face. "Hey are you alright?" Sora asked. "Yeah you're crying Raven..." Hayner adds. He looked concerned along with the others. 

Quickly wiping my tears away I give them a goofy smile. "I'm fine... Sorry, you just, really remind me of an old friend." I said. "Well, let's not dilly-dally. The King is waiting for us." Donald says. I nodded and we made our way to the station I just came from. On our way to see the king. I wondered if Emril would be there too. 

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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