Chapter 1; Where am I? Who am I?

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Darkness. It surrounded me in every sense. This wasn't right. I shouldn't be here. Master? Where was my teacher? Wait... who was my teacher? Who am I? White Raven rang in my mind. That wouldn't be my actual name... that's my warrior name. After my keyblade, Raven's nest. "Hey, are you alright?!" A young girl's voice called. "Lilo! What's going on?!" An older woman's voice called. "Nani, she just washed up on shore. She's not breathing!" The girl, Lilo, called back. Breathing? Yes, that's something I need to do. I felt compressions on my chest being started. Someone's giving me CPR. I felt water surge through my lungs and throat. Then suddenly I'm coughing up the water. Turned on my side now.

"There... let it all out. I'm Nani. Are you okay?" She asked. I slowly sat up nodding. "I-I think so... where am I?" I asked. She frowned. "You're in Kawaihae. Where are your parents?" She asked. I looked at her confused. "I don't have parents... I was living in a town and was raised with a bunch of other kids... my teacher raised us. But-" I stopped myself and gripped my head in pain. Why couldn't I remember? "Come on, let's get you to a hospital. Lilo, Stitch, call Mr.Bubbles and tell him what's going on." Nani tells the little girl and a... blue dog? Before helping me up and carrying me. I noticed a familiar key blade still in the sand. Stitch picked it up "Terra, Ven, Aqua..." he mumbled in thought and followed. Lilo was on the phone with, who I assume is Mr.Bubbles. I drifted back off to sleep.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital room, I think. Lilo and Stitch were asleep in a chair. Nani was in another chair, sitting up when she saw I was awake. A large black man in a suit stood by her. "You're awake, I was afraid you wouldn't." Nani sighs in relief. "Where am I?" I asked, still confused about everything. "In Jumba and Pleakly's ship. In their medical bay." She explained. "When Nani said you had a key like-sword with you, I instructed her to bring you here. There would have been complications in an actual hospital. So tell me what a key blade wielder is doing here in our world?" He asked. I looked at him confused for a second. Then memories of my master casting me aside for another replayed in my head. "I-I was cast out of mine by my teacher... for another student. I think... I-I can't remember..." I tried explaining.

"What do you remember dear? " Nani asked. I looked between the two. "I remember my knighted name... White Raven... I remember what I've told you... I-I know what unversed, nobodies, and heartless are... And I remember about the worlds, I thought they were all connected though... I don't remember my name or how I got here..." I tell them. My head started hurting and an intense feeling of abandonment overwhelmed me. I guess I started crying because Nani pulled me into a hug. "Shhh, it's alright... we'll help you're not alone Hunny." She assured me. I hugged her back tightly. She felt safe and full of love. Somehow, I knew she'd give me a new home.

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