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Tomura's POV:

I stare blankly at my art wall. I have the strong urge to draw but I can't. Dr. Aizawa is always busy, which is understandable. Nancy doesn't like to be around me and she makes sure I know that, which is rude.

I feel a vibration under the corner of my mattress. I pull out my flip phone. Hana. I open it and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I say turning back to my wall. "Heeeey baby brother."

"I literally turn twenty one in four days."

"You'll always be my baaaaabbbbbaaaaaayyyyy."

"Hanaaaa. How may I assist you?"

"Just wanna see how you're doing. You're still okay with coming out on you're birthday, right?"

"Yeah. As long as it's just the cafe'."

"Sooooo...about that-"


"There's an amusement park that just opened."

"Hana, if it just opened, there'll be a lot of people there."

"I know, I know. But it'll be really fun! Maybe you can bring someone? Someone you might have your eye on...?"


"What? I'm just a mother trying to be involved in her baby boy's life."

"You're not my damn mom."

"Shit, I might as well be."


"So...do you have your eye on someone?"



"Hana, love, you have just busted my ear drums."

"What's his name???"


"Dabi. Dabi, Dabi, Dabi, Dabi. That sounds really familiar. Holy shit."

"Hey, I have lunch in about ten minutes. I'll call you later."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, love you."

mentally unstable ~ shigadabiWhere stories live. Discover now