6) What is This Feeling?

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Once he returned back to the safety of his dorm room, the events of the previous night spiraled through Aric's head. Kei was sleeping soundly underneath his threadbare blanket, so Aric was free to mull over his thoughts undisturbed.

His face still felt hot and his hands were clammy. His head pounded with emotion. But these emotions weren't the ones Aric was used to feeling. Not hate, not pain, not anger, not even depression. No, this was a different feeling. It felt less like a real emotion and more like a distant memory. Like a dream that he could feel, but couldn't quite touch. Unable to make sense of it, Aric pulled out a piece of paper and began drawing. Drawing always helped him alleviate stress and forget the world around him.

The night grew darker as hours passed by, and before he knew it, Aric was slumped over on the desk he had been drawing at, fast asleep. But his slumber was interrupted by the morning light pouring down through his window. He snapped awake, momentarily forgetting about the night before.

But then he remembered. He remembered the way his face heated up the moment he grabbed Japeth's hand. He remembered the way his body has filled with that unknown feeling, like a fire he couldn't put out. With the sun peering above the horizon, leaving an orange glow in the sky, Aric pushed these thoughts away. Class would start soon, and he needed to get dressed.

He changed into a sleeveless red leather shirt and black breeches. He rushed downstairs, hoping that somehow being around those dimwits would get rid of that feeling, or at least replace it with something more recognizable. Annoyance, perhaps.

But there was no one down there. No one except for the last person he wanted to see. Japeth was standing in the corner, his back turned the other way. He did not seem to notice that Aric was there, nor did he seem to care. Aric stumbled for a moment, unsure wether or not to turn around and go back up to his room. But Japeth might notice, and think Aric didn't want to be around him. He didn't. But not because he didn't like Japeth. He liked him. He liked him more than anyone else he had ever met. That was the problem. He cared about Japeth. He had never cared about anyone else before. It had always been him against the world. But now it wasn't. Now he had someone. And he wasn't sure how to feel about that. Japeth turned around unexpectedly, as though he had just realized Aric's presence.

"Hey." Japeth halfheartedly waved, and Aric could tell from the bags under his eyes that he hadn't gotten much sleep, either. Did he remember?

As Japeth spoke that single syllable, Aric felt his face heat up as though it were on fire. What was happening? Why was he feeling things? He never felt things! He never cared about people! Why did he now?
I'm such an idiot! Japeth chastised himself. My entire face was bright red! He definitely noticed this time!

Like Aric, Japeth was also distressed by the events of that evening. He remembered the day he met Aric, not so long ago. The moment he saw him- his devilish smirk, his mischievous violet eyes, the way he looked at Japeth, unfazed by his glare- a spark went off within his soul. A first, Japeth had dismissed it as a fiery hatred for this cocky new kid. But he was beginning to realize that it had been another emotion entirely. One much more dangerous.

At first, Aric couldn't have noticed. Not even Japeth noticed! But over time, he began to feel things. Things he had never felt before. Things he shouldn't have felt. Them holding hands had just pushed it over the edge. Now Aric knew for sure.

When Japeth went downstairs for breakfast, it was empty as usual. His eyes were heavy from staying up all night worrying. So naturally, he was too exhausted to notice when someone came shuffling down the stairs. Not until Japeth turned around did he see Aric heading down the stairs, half asleep and clad in a sleeveless red leather shirt that showed off his muscular arms. Japeth spun around just in time for Aric to look up. He messed with a stray strand of his long, matted, copper hair, pretending not to notice Aric. Seconds of awkward, painful silence passed before he finally couldn't take it anymore.

He spun around and gave an exhausted wave. "Hey." He mumbled.

The mere sight of Aric caused Japeth's head to spin. He turned around, but not too quickly to notice the rosy tint on Aric's face that hadn't been there a few seconds ago.

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