1) Arbed House

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The two guards unlocked the cage and grabbed Aric by the arms, practically dragging him out. At this point, the tight metal cuffs around his arms and legs felt like overkill. There were two more guards mounted at the doors of the rundown building. Aric bared his teeth and glared at them.

"Where am I? What am I doing here?" He demanded, fighting against his chains.

"We have specific orders to take you here." The burly guard on his right answered.

"Orders?" He scoffed, "Orders from whom?"

"King Dutra of Foxwood." The other guard replied, emotionless.

"Pfft. I'll dance on his grave."

Someone gasped. Aric looked around at the guards, but it hadn't been any of them. The sound seemed to have come from inside the building. The guards pushed open the doors to reveal six scrawny boys huddled around the door, clearly eavesdropping. The seventh sat on a stained, worn out couch, rolling his eyes at the boys' antics.

Aric tried to get a good look at the boys, but before he could, a plump woman pushed in front of them. She had cocoa brown skin and dark curls that were pulled into a loose bun. She wore a billowy yellow dress with orange flower print. She looked at Aric, her hazel eyes meeting his violet ones with the most annoying of smiles.

"Pleased to meet you." She said in a high, girlish voice. "Dean Friedegund Brundhilde of Arbed House." She stuck out her hand.

Aric didn't take it. Instead, he pushed past her and towards the boys, who had now returned to their seats on the couch. When they saw him, they turned and berated him with questions.

"Dude, you dissed King Dutra of Foxwood? You can't do that!" A bug-eyed boy with a shaved head yelled.

"What's your deal, anyways? What's with the chains?" Another one asked.

"Boys! Be polite!" Dean Brundhilde squawked. She turned to Aric. "I'm sorry. I suppose I should introduce you to the boys. Boys! Please introduce yourselves to our new student."

Student? His stomach dropped. This was a school? God, this was worse than jail.

"My name is Horace." The bug-eyed boy said.

"I'm Jacques." A bald, caramel skinned boy added. "And that's Milo," he pointed at a tall, skinny boy with messy hair. "And that's Teegan." He said, nodding at a freckled waif with a pierced eyebrow.

"I can introduce myself." Milo snapped like a little boy, but Teegan stayed quiet.

Next to Teegan was a sharp jawed, black haired boy who sat emotionlessly like a statue. "I'm Kei." He said, his tone dull and dry, lacking any sort of emotion.

Then all of the boys turned to look at a copper headed boy with a a strong build and emerald green eyes.

"I'm Rhian. Nice to meet you."

The other boys stared at Rhian with a sense of awe, as though he was somehow better than them. Well, all the boys except for one. The very last boy who still hadn't introduced himself, did not look at Rhian with the same admiration the others did.

"Introduce yourself." Rhian whispered to the boy who, Aric noticed, looked exactly like Rhian. They must be brothers.

"I'm someone you should stay away from." He said aggressively, his eyes cutting into Aric.

Those eyes. They were nothing like his brother's. They were a cold, glacier blue, flickering with danger. They mirrored the iciness of his tone, clearly unhappy to be there. But there was something about his eyes that was so alluring, daring you to take a step closer. So that's what Aric did, smirking back at the boy.

"Perhaps you'd like to introduce yourself." Dean Brundhilde requested.

"I'd rather kill myself."

"Alright, then I'll do it for you. Everyone, this is Aric Lesso, your newest classmate." She gave a fake smile. "You'll be rooming with Kei, who I trust will help show you the ropes around here."

He groaned loud enough for Kei to hear and followed him up the stairs with visible annoyance.

After a long, silent walk, Kei stopped at a wooden door. He turned the nob and opened the door to reveal an unkempt dorm room with cracked wooden floors. There were identical beds with stained white sheets and ripped pillows. Aric threw his stuff on the nearest one and flopped down onto the hard mattress.

"That's my bed." Kei whined.

"Do I look like I care?" Aric responded with a grin.

Kei stormed out of the room, clearly agitated. Aric just chuckled and stretched out onto the bed. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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